Telecom 2006

Docket Title
  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Investigation into Qwest Wire Center Data

  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Petition of Qwest vs. Dixie Communications and Old West Paging for Approval of Interconnection Agreement to Implement FCC Ruling in T-Mobile Order

  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc. For a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange Services within the State of Utah

  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Joint Application of Qwest Communications Corporation and OnFiber Communications, Inc., for Approval to Transfer Control of OnFiber Carrier Services, Inc., to Qwest Communications Corporation

  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Complaint of McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc., against Qwest Corporation for Enforcement of Commission-Approved Interconnection Agreement

  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Petition of Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC to Establish a Rate Base

  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Application of IDT America, Corp., to Amend its Existing Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange Services

  • 2006

    In the Matter of the Application of All American Telephone Co., Inc. For a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange Services within the State of Utah
