Telecom 2004

Docket Title
  • 2004

    In the Matter of the Motion to Compel Frontier Telephone aka Citizens Telephone Co., to Cooperate with Qwest and Beehive to Provide Necessary Trunking

  • 2004

    In the Matter of Clear Wave Communications, L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company, East Wind Enterprises, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Prohill, Inc., a Utah Corporation dba Meridian Communications of Utah, vs. Qwest

  • 2004

    In the Matter of the Petition of Qwest Corporation for Arbitration of an Interconnection Agreement with Union Telephone Company dba Union Cellular under Section 252 of the Federal Telecommunications Act

  • 2004

    In the Matter of the Application of Uintah Basin Telecommunications Association, Inc., and UBET Telecom, Inc., for an Order of the Commission Approving the Combination, Merger and Consolidation of UBET Telecom, Inc. and Uintah Basin Telecommunications Association, Inc

  • 2004

    In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action for AT&T Corp., a New York Corporation; AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, Claimant, vs. Qwest Corporation, a Colorado Corporation, Respondent

  • 2004

    In the Matter of an Investigation into Pole Attachments

  • 2004

    In the Matter of Covad Communications Company, for Arbitration to Resolve Issues Relating to an Interconnection Agreement with Qwest Corporation

  • 2004

    In the Matter of the Application of CommPartners, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Switched and Dedicated, Resold and Facilities-Based Services

  • 2004

    In the Matter of the Application of PAETEC for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities Based Local Exchange Service in the State of Utah
