
Docket No: 14-035-84

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Richard Rawlinson against Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 14-999-10

In the Matter of Millard County Planning Commission’s Proposed Ordinance Regarding Shared Wells

Docket No: 14-999-09

In the Matter of the Annual State Cetification of Rural Carriers’ Compliance Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 54.314

Docket No: 14-999-08

In the Matter of the Annual Reports for Calendar Year 2013 of Natural or Other Gas Transmission and Gathering Systems

Docket No: 14-999-07

In the Matter of the 2014 Universal Service Fund (USF) CAF ICC Review

Docket No: 14-999-03

In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2014

Docket No: 14-999-02

In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2014

Docket No: 14-999-01

In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2014

Docket No: 14-2195-T01

In the Matter of Hi-Country Estates Homeowners Association’s Updated Tariff to Comply with the Commission’s May 5, 2014, Report and Order

Docket No: 14-010-T01

In the Matter of Highlands Water Company, Inc.’s Request for Tariff Revision

Docket No: 14-2573-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake & Sandy Requesting an Investigation into Public Utility Condemnation Practices and Initiation of a Formal Rulemaking Proceeding

Docket No: 14-2570-01

In the Matter of the Application of Red Canyon Estates Water Users Association for an Exemption from Public Service Commission Regulation

Docket No: 14-2477-01

In the Matter of the Notification of Change of Ownership for Eagle’s Landing Water Company, LLC

Docket No: 14-2454-01

In the Matter of the Application of North Creek Ranch Homeowner’s Association for an Exemption from Public Service Commission Regulation

Docket No: 14-098-01

In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase

Docket No: 14-075-01

In the Matter of the Sale of Sherwood Water Company to the City of Delta, Delta, Utah

Docket No: 14-2509-P01

With this submission, dishNET establishes that the late payment charge applies twenty days following the invoice date. dishNET also removes deregulated inside wire provisions from its Tariff.

Docket No: 14-2546-P01

This filing replaces in their entirety the Company’s Utah Tariff No. 1 (Local) and Utah Tariff No. 2 (Access) and are submitted as follow up to the approval in Docket No. 14-2546-01 of the Company’s conversion to a Minnesota limited liability company and resulting change in Company name to Onvoy, LLC.

Docket No: 14-2450-P02

With this submission, Preferred increases its flat-rated monthly recurring fee for local exchange service to reflect underlying carrier increases. Customer notice has been made by billing insert.

Docket No: 14-2208-P07

These revisions increase the monthly recurring charge of Toll Free Number – Per Number, Calling Name Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service, Centrex Service, XO Long Distance Business Plans, Remote Call Forwarding, First Path, DID Number Blocks of 20, DID Number Blocks of 100, XOptions Package #5 (A, B, C, D), XOptions Package #6 (A, B, C, D), XOptions Package #7 (A, B, C, D), XOptions Package #15 (A, B, C, D), and XOptions Package #16 (A, B, C, D).

Docket No: 14-2208-P06

These revisions increase the monthly recurring charge of Business Lines and ISDN-PRI Service.

Docket No: 14-2204-P05

This filing introduces two new residential long distance plans; Home Phone II Unlimited and Home Phone II Per Minute and Retention Offers in Section 5 and grandfathers the Core Connect Professional Unlimited Long Distance Calling Plan for business customers.

Docket No: 14-2204-P04

The purpose of this filing is to change the name of the issuing entity from Qwest Communications Company, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink QCC to CenturyLink Communications, LLC for its Interexchange Telecommunications Company, LLC Price List No. 1.

Docket No: 14-2301-P08

The purpose of this filing is to remove previously grandfathered service(s) with no remaining subscribers.

Docket No: 14-2301-P07

The purpose of this filing is to (1) add business and residential calling card service withdrawal language; (2) grandfather and modify terms of the Account Code billing feature; and (3) increase Billing Default Plan for Hierarchical Billing per minute rates.

Docket No: 14-2301-P06

The purpose of this filing is to remove previously grandfathered services with no remaining subscribers.

Docket No: 14-2202-P02

In the Matter of the Notice of Intent to Discontinue the Provision of Frame Relay Service

Docket No: 14-095-P04

With this filing, Verizon Business introduces its 10-10-321, 10-10-220, 10-10-987 Calling and MinutePass Phone Cards (ada Telecom*USA Phone Cards) Services.

Docket No: 14-095-P03

With this filing, Verizon Business introduces TalkSmarter Block-of-Time 500 and TalkSmarter USA Services.

Docket No: 14-087-P19

This filing changes the consumer local rates.

Docket No: 14-087-P18

This filing changes the consumer long distance late payment charge to a flat rate of $6.50.

Docket No: 14-087-P17

This filing reduces consumer local late payment charge to 0.0%.

Docket No: 14-049-P09

The filing proposes to grandfather Core Connect Professional (CCP) effective December 5, 2014.

Docket No: 14-049-P08

This filing is being made to change the USOCs associated with the Metro Optical Ehternet (MOE) 1Mbps Bandwidth Profile.

Docket No: 14-2419-T01

This tariff filing establishes the third phase of modifying the intrastate access rates to parity with interstate access rates.

Docket No: 14-2180-T02

This filing changes the text described in the Switched Access Service End Office Information Surcharge Originating Rate.

Docket No: 14-2180-T01

This filing implements changes required by the FCC’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc.

Docket No: 14-053-T01

The purpose of this filing on behalf of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. (dba Strata Networks) is to reflect the FCC Part 51 Rules 51.907 through 919 concerning the third phase of modifying the intrastate access rates.

Docket No: 14-052-T01

This filing is made in compliance with the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Title 47: Telecommunication; Part 51-Interconnection; Subpart J-Transitional Access Service Pricing; §51.909 Transition of rate-of-return carrier access charges; Step 3.

Docket No: 14-051-T03

In the Matter of Beehive Telephone Company, Inc.’s Application for Tariff Approval (Actual Open Date 1/26/2015)

Docket No: 14-051-T02

The purpose of this filing is to file the local rates that were approved in Docket No. 13-051-01.

Docket No: 14-051-T01

This tariff filing establishes the third phase of modifying the intrastate access rates to parity with interstate access rates.

Docket No: 14-050-T04

The purpose of this filing is to include Emergency Telephone Service Surcharge in the tariff.

Docket No: 14-050-T03

The purpose of this filing is to introduce Selective Call Forwarding, Selective Call Acceptance, Multiple Simultaneous Call Forward and Distinctive Ring features.

Docket No: 14-050-T02

The purpose of this filing is to introduce Non-Listing service.

Docket No: 14-050-T01

The purpose of this filing is to decrease the Hearing or Speech Impaired Surcharge, pursuant to Rule 746-343-15.

Docket No: 14-049-T01

This filing is the third step in implementing the “Transitional Intrastate Access Service” reductions mandated by the Federal Communications Commission’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161).

Docket No: 14-046-T01

This filing implements changes required by the FCC’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc.

Docket No: 14-043-T02

This tariff sheet reflects the Residential R-1, Business B-1, and Extended Area Service (EAS) rate changes that were approved by Commission Order dated August 27, 2014, in Docket No. 14-043-01.

Docket No: 14-043-T01

This tariff filing establishes the third phase of modifying the intrastate access rates to parity with interstate access rates

Docket No: 14-041-T06

The purpose of this administrative filing is to include clarifying language for Emergency Telephone Service Surcharge.

Docket No: 14-041-T05

The purpose of this administrative filing is to correct the tariff for rates that currently mirror the interstate tariffs and are therefore, not exceptions to the interstate tariff.

Docket No: 14-041-T04

The purpose of this filing is to revise the tariff rates as required in the FCC’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161), and in accordance with the FCC’s March 31, 2014 decision in DA 14-434 in the same docket.

Docket No: 14-041-T03

The purpose of this filing is to introduce Multiple Simultaneous Call Forward feature.

Docket No: 14-041-T02

The purpose of this filing is to introduce Non-Listing service.

Docket No: 14-041-T01

The purpose of this filing is to decrease the Hearing or Speech Impaired Surcharge, pursuant to Rule 746-343-15.

Docket No: 14-040-T01

Proposed rates reflect the step down of End Office terminating rates as prescribed by FCC rules.

Docket No: 14-999-06

In the Matter of Rule 746-341 Lifeline/Link-up Rule Amendment Re: 14-R341-01

Docket No: 14-999-05

In the Matter of Lifeline Outreach Reports

Docket No: 14-999-04

In the Matter of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers’ Annual Lifeline Recertification Filings

Docket No: 14-2575-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Salt Lake County for Assignment of 3-1-1 Dialing Code

Docket No: 14-2574-02

In the Matter of the Application of New Horizons Communications Corp. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah

Docket No: 14-2574-01

In the Matter of the Petition of New Horizons Communications Corp. for Authority to Compete as a Telecommunications Corporation and to Offer Public Local Exchange Telecommunications Services

Docket No: 14-2572-01

In the Matter of the Application of Wide Voice, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Local Exchange Services within the State of Utah

Docket No: 14-2571-01

In the Matter of TDS Metrocom, LLC’s Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

Docket No: 14-2563-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of Ionex Communications North, Inc. dba Birch Communications and dishNet Wireline, LLC dba Liberty-Bell Telecom for Approval to Transfer Assets and Customers to Ionex Communications North, Inc. dba Birch Communications

Docket No: 14-2552-01

In the Matter of the Application of Peerless Network of Utah, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services within the State of Utah

Docket No: 14-2546-01

In the Matter of the Notification of Onvoy, LLC Regarding its Conversion and Resulting Name Change and the Proposed Pro Forma Transfer of Direct Ownership

Docket No: 14-2539-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of MegaPath Corporation and GC Pivotal, LLC d/b/a Global Capacity for Approval of Asset Transfer Transaction

Docket No: 14-2496-01

In the Matter of Momentum Telecom, Inc.’s Request to Cancel Certificate

Docket No: 14-2458-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application for Approval of Transfer of Ultimate Control of LSSi Data Corporation to NewNet Communication Technologies, LLC

Docket No: 14-2445-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Crown Castle NG West LLC to Amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Reflect a Name Change

Docket No: 14-2426-01

In the Matter of X5 SLC, LLC dba X5 Solutions Notice of Name Change

Docket No: 14-2389-01

In the Matter of Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC’s Notice of Decertification and Discontinuation of Service in Utah

Docket No: 14-2351-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of Level 3 Communications, Inc., Saturn Merger Sub 1, LLC, Saturn Merger Sub 2, LLC, Level 3

Docket No: 14-2320-01

In the Matter of Unity Telecom, LLC f/k/a/ dPi Teleconnect, LLC’s Request to Surrender CPCN Authority/Certification

Docket No: 14-2303-01

In the Matter of the Utah Division of Public Utilities’ Petition for Increased USF Distributions to Hanksville Telcom, Inc.

Docket No: 14-2236-02

In the Matter of the Application of Windstream Holdings, Inc., McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, LLC, PAETEC Communications, Inc., Windstream Communications, Inc., Windstream NTI, Inc., Windstream NuVox, Inc., and Talk America Services, LLC for the Approval of the Transfer of Customers to Talk America Services, LLC

Docket No: 14-2236-01

In the Matter of the Application of Talk America Services, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah

Docket No: 14-087-01

In the Matter of AT&T’s Acquisition of LEAP Wireless International Inc., and Cricket Communications Inc.

Docket No: 14-051-02

In the Matter of Beehive Telephone Company, Inc.’s Description of Outage Affecting Ibapah, UT

Docket No: 14-051-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co. Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund

Docket No: 14-049-23

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Peerless Network of Utah, LLC

Docket No: 14-049-22

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and dishNET Wireline L.L.C. f/k/a Liberty-Bell Telecom, LLC

Docket No: 14-049-21

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Level 3 Communications, LLC

Docket No: 14-049-20

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Cricket Communications, Inc.

Docket No: 14-049-19


Docket No: 14-049-18

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Ionex Communications North, Inc. dba Birch Communications

Docket No: 14-049-17

In the Matter of Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC’s Petition for Commission Approval of 2014 Additions to its Non-Impaired Wire Center List

Docket No: 14-049-16

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and DishNet Wireline L.L.C. f/k/a Liberty-Bell Telecom, LLC

Docket No: 14-049-15

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and T-Mobile USA, Inc. fka VoiceStream Wireless Corporation

Docket No: 14-049-14

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Sprint Spectrum L.P.

Docket No: 14-049-13

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between CenturyLink QC and Sprint Communications Company L.P.

Docket No: 14-049-12

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Integra Telecom of Utah, Inc.

Docket No: 14-049-11

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and IPData Stream, LLC

Docket No: 14-049-10

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and BCN Telecom

Docket No: 14-049-09

In the Matter of the CenturyLink Local Services Platform (CLSP) Agreement between QWEST CORPORATION dba CenturyLink QC and BCN TELECOM, INC.

Docket No: 14-049-08

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and IPDATASTREAM, LLC

Docket No: 14-049-07

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between CenturyLink QC and Veracity Communications Inc.

Docket No: 14-049-06

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Level 3 Communications LLC

Docket No: 14-049-05

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and TW Telecom of Utah, LLC

Docket No: 14-049-04

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Ionex Communications North, Inc. dba Birch Communications (fka Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC)

Docket No: 14-049-03

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Ionex Communications North, Inc. dba Birch Communications (fka Ernest Communications, Inc.)

Docket No: 14-049-02

In the Matter of the Notification by CenturyLink of Commercial Agreement Extension Amendments

Docket No: 14-049-01

In the Matter of the 2014 Qwest Performance Assurance Plan (QPAP)

Docket No: 14-043-01

In the Matter of the Application for Rate Increase and Increase in State USF Distribution for Gunnison Telephone Company

Docket No: 14-042-01

In the Matter of Emery Telephone’s Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support

Docket No: 14-041-01

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Kimberley and David Boger (Cali Cochitta B&B) against Frontier

Docket No: 14-057-T07

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Filing to Comply with the Commission’s Request Issued on October 27, 2014, in Docket No. 14-057-T05, Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff

Docket No: 14-057-T06

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with the order issued on October 7, 2014, in Docket No. 13-057-14, Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2014 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative

Docket No: 14-057-T05

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff

Docket No: 14-057-T04

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with the Commission order issued on June 6, 2014 in Docket No. 13-057-19.

Docket No: 14-057-T03

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with the Commission order in Docket No. 14-057-T02 issued on April 7, 2014, which references Docket No. 13-057-05, Application of Questar Gas Company to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications.

Docket No: 14-057-T02

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with the order issued on February 21, 2014 in Docket No. 13-057-05, Application of Questar Gas Company to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications.

Docket No: 14-057-T01

In the Matter of Tariff Sheets for Questar Gas Company’s 2014 Energy Efficiency Programs in Compliance with the Commission’s Order in Docket No. 13-057-14, dated January 2, 2014

Docket No: 14-057-32

In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Questar Gas Company Account Balances

Docket No: 14-057-31

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Make Tariff Modifications to Charge Transportation Customers for Use of Supplier-Non-Gas Services

Docket No: 14-057-30

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Deborah L. Hendricks against Questar Gas Company

Docket No: 14-057-29

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Replacement Infrastructure 2015 Annual Plan and Budget

Docket No: 14-057-28

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joseph Cook and Warren Bennett against Questar Gas Company

Docket No: 14-057-27

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment

Docket No: 14-057-26

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance

Docket No: 14-057-25

In the Matter of QGC’s Application for Approval of the 2015 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative

Docket No: 14-057-24

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for a Tariff Change and Adjustment to the Low Income Assistance/Energy Assistance Rate

Docket No: 14-057-23

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account

Docket No: 14-057-22

In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah

Docket No: 14-057-19

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint against Questar Gas Company Regarding Nomination Procedures and Practices for Transportation Service Customers

Docket No: 14-057-18

In the Matter of the Review of Questar Gas Company’s Intercompany Short-Term Loan Procedures and Practices Approved in Docket No. 85-057-09

Docket No: 14-057-15

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for Plan Year: June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015

Docket No: 14-057-13

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company’s Proposed Tariff Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 58-55-308.1

Docket No: 14-057-10

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account

Docket No: 14-057-09

In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah

Docket No: 14-057-06

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Energy Efficiency Reports

Docket No: 14-057-03

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company Financial Documents Filed in 2014

Docket No: 14-2167-T01

In the Matter of Proposed Revisions to Rate Schedules for South Utah Valley Electric Service District

Docket No: 14-035-T14

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 193, Demand Side Management (DSM) Cost Adjustment

Docket No: 14-035-T13

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 4, Pole Attachments

Docket No: 14-035-T12

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 91, Surcharge to Fund Low Income Residential Lifeline Program; Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 92, Low Income Residential Lifeline Program Surcharge Refund Credit

Docket No: 14-035-T11

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s filing to comply with the order issued on October 27, 2014, in Docket No. 14-035-31, Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism

Docket No: 14-035-T10

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Tariff Sheets in Compliance with the Commission’s Report and Order in Docket No. 13-035-184, dated August 29, 2014

Docket No: 14-035-T09

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 117, Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program

Docket No: 14-035-T08

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 111, Home Energy Savings Plan

Docket No: 14-035-T07

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 118, Low Income Weatherization

Docket No: 14-035-T06

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 135, Net Metering Service

Docket No: 14-035-T05

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 98, Renewable Energy Credits Balancing Account

Docket No: 14-035-T04

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities

Docket No: 14-035-114

In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program

Docket No: 14-035-T03

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 140, Non-Residential Energy Efficiency

Docket No: 14-035-T02

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities

Docket No: 14-035-T01

In the Matter of: Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Changes to Electric Service Schedule 114 – Air Conditioner Direct Load Control Program (A/C-DLC) (Cool Keeper Program

Docket No: 14-031-T01

In the Matter of Mt. Wheeler Power Inc.’s new rate entitled Large General Service-Net Metering

Docket No: 14-028-T01

In the Matter of Changes to Rate Schedules for Garkane Energy Cooperative, Inc.

Docket No: 14-022-T01

In the Matter of Changes to the Monthly Facilities Charge for Bridger Valley Electric Association

Docket No: 14-2490-01

In the Matter of the Courtesy Notice of the Transfer of a Controlling Interest in First Wind Holdings, LLC, the Ultimate Parent Company of Milford Wind Corridor I, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-151

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Utah Carbon Reduction Progress Report

Docket No: 14-035-150

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Report of Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets with Idaho Power Company

Docket No: 14-035-149

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval to Revise Schedule for Mandatory Reports

Docket No: 14-035-148

In the Matter of: the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on November 1-2, 2014

Docket No: 14-035-147

In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision and Request for Accounting Order

Docket No: 14-035-146

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a Promotional Program Pursuant to R746-404

Docket No: 14-035-145

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Tesoro

Docket No: 14-035-144

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Notice of the Sale of the Fountain Green Hydroelectric Plant

Docket No: 14-035-143

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC

Docket No: 14-035-142

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Demand Side Management Nov. 1st Deferred Account and Forecast Reporting

Docket No: 14-035-141

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Sixth-Year Action Plan and Budget for the Strategic Communications and Outreach Plan for Demand Side Management

Docket No: 14-035-140

In the Matter of the Review of Electric Service Schedule No. 38, Qualifying Facilities Procedures, and Other Related Procedural Issues

Docket No: 14-035-128

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Service Quality Review Report

Docket No: 14-035-124

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with City of Blanding, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-123

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with Spring City, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-122

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Refinery)

Docket No: 14-035-121

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Smelter)

Docket No: 14-035-117

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-116

In the Matter of the Disposition of Remaining Unused Credits Associated with Excess Customer-Generated Electricity Provided Under Utah Code Ann. § 54-15-104(4)

Docket No: 14-035-115

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with Ephraim City, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-107

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Partial Requirement Master Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company

Docket No: 14-035-103

In the Matter of Low Income Lifeline Program Reports

Docket No: 14-035-102

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Semi-Annual Demand-Side Management (DSM) Forecast Reports

Docket No: 14-035-94

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with Manti City, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-93

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with Monroe City, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-89

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Courtesy Notice for Renewable Resource in 2015

Docket No: 14-035-88

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Escalante Solar III, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-87

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Escalante Solar II, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-86

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Escalante Solar I, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-85

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Enterprise Solar, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-83

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with City of Blanding, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-82

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Customer Owned Generation and Net Metering Report and Attachment A for the Period April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014

Docket No: 14-035-81

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on My 10-12, 2014

Docket No: 14-035-80

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2014 Smart Grid Monitoring Report

Docket No: 14-035-73

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Agreements for Electric Service by Municipalities to Existing Customers as of June 15, 2013 Outside of Municipal Boundaries

Docket No: 14-035-72

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Agreements for Electric Service to Existing Customers as of June 15, 2013 within a Municipal Boundary

Docket No: 14-035-71

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Report of the Results from the 2013 Program Year for the Solar Photovoltaic Incentive Program Offered through Schedule 107

Docket No: 14-035-67

In the Matter of the Quarterly Reports of the EBA for 2014

Docket No: 14-035-66

In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Affiliated Interest Report

Docket No: 14-035-65

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for a Limited Stay of Schedule 38, Qualifying Facility Procedures

Docket No: 14-035-64

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Application for Approval of Advance Authorization to Transfer Spare Transformers Pursuant to a Sharing Agreement

Docket No: 14-035-63

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on April 22-24, 2014

Docket No: 14-035-56

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Fossil Fuel Energy Efficiency Standard Plan

Docket No: 14-035-55

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities

Docket No: 14-035-52

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Rod Stephens against Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 14-035-51

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with Nephi City, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-50

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Demand-Side Management 2013 Annual Energy Efficiency and Peak Load Reduction Report

Docket No: 14-035-46

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Pavant Solar, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-40

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2014 Avoided Cost Input Changes Quarterly Compliance Filing

Docket No: 14-035-36

In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports

Docket No: 14-035-35

In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s 2013 Fuel Inventory Policies and Practices

Docket No: 14-035-31

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism

Docket No: 14-035-30

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Revise Rates in Tariff Schedule 98, Renewable Energy Credits Balancing Accou

Docket No: 14-035-26

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a Pole Attachment Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Beehive Broadband, LLC

Docket No: 14-035-25

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Lisa Roush against Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 14-035-24

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Ellis-Hall Consultants against PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 14-035-20

In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Semi-Annual Hedging Report

Docket No: 14-035-19

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with Monroe City, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-18

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Agreement for Electric Service with Helper City, Utah

Docket No: 14-035-08

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on December 19, 2013

Docket No: 14-035-07

In the Matter of the Division Audit Report of the Demand Side Management Program of Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 14-035-03

In the Matter of Affiliate Transactions

Docket No: 14-035-01

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on November 21-23, 2013

Docket No: 14-031-01

In the Matter of the Application of Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc. for Authority to Issue Securities

Docket No: 14-030-02

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Jeff McCollin against Moon Lake Electric

Docket No: 14-022-01

In the Matter of the Application of Bridger Valley Electric Association, Inc. for Authority to Borrow up to $8,000,000.00 from the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation