
Docket No: 12-042-T03

The purpose of this filing is to adjust the “transitional” rate defined by the recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-999-09

In the Matter of Agency Action to Establish a Permanent Certification Process in Compliance with 47 U.S.C. Section 254(e)

Docket No: 12-999-08

In the Matter of the 2012 Miscellaneous Audio Files for Non-Docketed Meetings and Events

Docket No: 12-999-03

In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2012

Docket No: 12-999-02

In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2012

Docket No: 12-999-01

In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012

Docket No: 12-888-01

In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Transportation Services; 2012

Docket No: 12-2550-01

In the Matter of the Verified Notice of Exemption for Savage, Bingham & Garfield Railroad Company – Trackage Rights Exemption – Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Company

Docket No: 12-2195-T01

In the Matter of Hi-Country Estates Homeowners Association Tariff No. 1 for Water Service

Docket No: 12-097-T01

In the Matter of Mountain Sewer Corporation’s revised Rates and Fees Schedule and Rules and Regulations Tariffs

Docket No: 12-2443-01

In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case

Docket No: 12-2238-01

In the Matter of West Slope Water Company, Inc.’s Request to Cancel Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) No. 2238

Docket No: 12-2195-01

In the Matter of Hi-Country Estates Homeowners Association’s Notice of Intent to File General Rate Case

Docket No: 12-2194-01

In the Matter of Durfee Creek, Inc., Association’s Request to Cancel Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) No. 2728

Docket No: 12-576-T02

Skyline Telecom submits for approval a revised tariff that changes the Emergency Line rate to meet the specified local rate floor adopted in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) USF/ICC Transformation Order

Docket No: 12-576-T01

These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11) eliminating the Link-Up program.

Docket No: 12-2419-T03

The purpose of this filing on behalf of Direct Communications Cedar Valley is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-2419-T02

Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC submits for approval a revised tariff that offers a Broadband Package combining telephone service with Broadband service. Also, the company would like to increase the rate for Static IP.

Docket No: 12-2419-T01

The FCC has changed the amount of credit or reimbursement to the company for Lifeline.

Docket No: 12-2302-T02

The purpose of this filing is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011)

Docket No: 12-2302-T01

These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11).

Docket No: 12-2201-T02

Bear Lake Communications, Inc. submits for approval a revised tariff that changes the Emergency Line rate to meet the specified local rate floor adopted in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) USF/ICC Transformation Order.

Docket No: 12-2201-T01

These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11) eliminating the Link-Up program.

Docket No: 12-2180-T03

This filing revises All West’s Terminating Local Transport Termination Charge from $0.16185/min to $0.026/min.

Docket No: 12-2180-T02

This filing revises All West’s Terminating Local Transport Termination Charge as required in the FCC’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (“FCC Transformation Order”).

Docket No: 12-2180-T01

These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11) eliminating the Link-Up program.

Docket No: 12-054-T01

The purpose of this filing is to reduce the differential by 50% of Union’s intrastate access rates which exceed its interstate rates to be compliant with FCC 11-161.

Docket No: 12-053-T02

The purpose of this filing on behalf of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. (dba Strata Networks) is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-053-T01

These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11).

Docket No: 12-052-T02

This filing proposes two changes: 1) To revise the State Access Tariff to address the Identification and Rating of Voice over Internet Protocol-Public Switched Telephone Network (VoIP-PSTN) toll Traffic, which is in accordance with the FCC’s Order 11-161 effective on December 29, 2011. 2) To revise the Carrier Common Line rate as required in the FCC’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161).

Docket No: 12-052-T01

These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11).

Docket No: 12-051-T01

The purpose of this filing on behalf of Beehive Telephone Company-UT is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-050-T07

The purpose of this administrative filing is to remove Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader from the tariff.

Docket No: 12-050-T06

The purpose of this amended filing is to correct the number of Additional Bundle (4 to 10) lines to (4 to 12) lines within the Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader new Business bundled service.

Docket No: 12-050-T05

The purpose of this filing is to introduce Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Ledger new Business bundled service.

Docket No: 12-050-T04

The purpose of this filing is to modify the language for Service Interruptions to implement a new standard that eliminates mandatory credits.

Docket No: 12-050-T03

The purpose of this filing is to clarify the effective date of the Federal Lifeline Credit and modify the Lifeline qualifications in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Docket No. FCC-12-11, Lifeline Reform Order.

Docket No: 12-050-T02

The purpose of this filing is to introduce new Residential bundled services and grandfather existing Residential bundled services.

Docket No: 12-050-T01

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to update the Lifeline and Link Up tariff to comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Docket No. FCC-12-11, Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization.

Docket No: 12-049-T03

In the Matter of: This filing proposes to modify tariff language for the Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic to be in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission’s April 25, 2012 Second Order of Reconsideration in WC Docket No. 10-90, etc., FCC Release No. 12-47.

Docket No: 12-049-T02

In the Matter of: This filing is the first step in implementing the “Transitional Intrastate Access Service” reductions mandated by the Federal Communications Commission’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161).

Docket No: 12-049-T01

In the Matter of: This filing proposes the addition of tariff language for implementation of the intercarrier compensation regime for certain VoIP-PSTN traffic as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161).

Docket No: 12-046-T03

In the Matter of: The purpose of this filing on behalf of Manti Telephone Company is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-046-T02

In the Matter of In reviewing the local tariff of Manti Telephone Company it was noticed that Voice Mail is still in the tariff and this feature was deregulated by the FCC several years ago. Therefore, we would like to remove this feature from the tariff.

Docket No: 12-046-T01

In the Matter of Manti Telephone Company submits for approval a revised Lifeline tariff to reflect the current trends in the industry.

Docket No: 12-043-T02

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing on behalf of Gunnison Telephone Company is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-043-T01

In the Matter of The FCC has changed the amount of credit or reimbursement to the company for Lifeline and discontinued the Link-Up Program.

Docket No: 12-042-T02

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-042-T01

In the Matter of These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11).

Docket No: 12-041-T08

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to modify the existing VoIP language.

Docket No: 12-041-T07

In the Matter of The purpose of this amended filing is to correct the number of Additional Bundle (4 to 10) lines to (4 to 12) lines within the Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader new Business bundled service.

Docket No: 12-041-T06

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to introduce Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Ledger new Business bundled service.

Docket No: 12-041-T05

In the Matter of The Purpose of this filing is to modify the language for Interruptions of Service to implement a new standard that eliminates mandatory credits.

Docket No: 12-041-T04

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to clarify the effective date of the Federal Lifeline Credit and modify the Lifeline qualifications in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Docket No. FCC-12-11, Lifeline Reform Order.

Docket No: 12-041-T03

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to introduce new Residential bundled services and grandfather existing Residential bundled services.

Docket No: 12-041-T02

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to revise tariff language and rates as required in the FCC’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161).

Docket No: 12-041-T01

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to update the Lifeline and Link Up tariff to comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Docket No. FCC-12-11, Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization.

Docket No: 12-040-T03

In the Matter of Central Utah Telephone, Inc. submits for approval a revised tariff that changes the Emergency Line rate to meet the specified local rate floor adopted in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) USF/ICC Transformation Order.

Docket No: 12-040-T02

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to reflect recently enacted FCC rules pursuant to the FCC’s Report and Order and Further Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., FCC 11-161 (Released November 18, 2011).

Docket No: 12-040-T01

In the Matter of These revisions are necessary as a compliance filing to incorporate the changes implemented by the FCC Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11) eliminating the Link-Up program.

Docket No: 12-999-10

In the Matter of the Consideration of Potential Changes in the Regulation of the Utah Universal Public Telecommunications Service Support Fund, in Response to Recent Changes in the Federal Universal Service Fund Program

Docket No: 12-999-07

In the Matter of Agency Action to Establish a Temporary Certification Process in Compliance with 47 U.S.C. Section 254(e)

Docket No: 12-999-06

In the Matter of Duplicative Recovery for USF

Docket No: 12-999-05

In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action for Creation of a Telecom Working Group to Address Possible Streamlined Procedures for Approving Changes Mandated by the FCC

Docket No: 12-999-04

In the Matter of the 2012 Lifeline, Universal Service and Speech/Hearing-Impaired Funds Status

Docket No: 12-2561-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Total Call Mobile, Inc. for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier

Docket No: 12-2560-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Airespring, Inc. for Authority to Compete as a Telecommunications Corporation and to Offer Public Local Exchange Telecommunications Services

Docket No: 12-2559-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Blue Jay Wireless, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service on a Wireless Basis

Docket No: 12-2558-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of TCG Utah and Teleport Communications America, LLC for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier, and for Informal Adjudication of Merger

Docket No: 12-2556-01

In the Matter of the Application of Broadview Networks, Inc. for Approval of an Indirect Transfer of Control

Docket No: 12-2555-01

In the Matter of the Petition of True Wireless, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)

Docket No: 12-2554-01

In the Matter of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile’s Petition for Limited Designation as a Non-Rural Wireless Eligible Telecommunications Carrier

Docket No: 12-2553-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier

Docket No: 12-2552-01

In the Matter of the Application of Peerless Network of Utah, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange and Interexchange Services

Docket No: 12-2551-01

In the Matter of the Application of Cricket Communications, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Utah

Docket No: 12-2549-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Q LINK WIRELESS LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Utah

Docket No: 12-2545-01

In the Matter of the Application of Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Local Exchange Services within the State of Utah

Docket No: 12-2536-02

In the Matter of the Joint Application of 360networks (USA) inc., American Fiber Systems, Inc. and Zayo Group, LLC for Approval of Certain Pro Forma Intra-Corporate Transactions

Docket No: 12-2536-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of AboveNet, Inc., AboveNet of Utah L.L.C. and Zayo Group, LLC for the Transfer of Indirect Control of AboveNet of Utah L.L.C. to Zayo Group, LLC

Docket No: 12-2514-01

In the Matter of the Application of Broadview Networks, Inc. for Approval of an Indirect Transfer of Control

Docket No: 12-2509-01

In the Matter of the Notification of a Name Change from Liberty-Bell Telecom, LLC to dishNET Wireline L.L.C.

Docket No: 12-2485-01

In the Matter of the Petition of Sage Telecom, Inc. to Voluntarily Surrender its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity

Docket No: 12-2453-01

In the Matter of the Request of Chase Com to Cancel Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 2453

Docket No: 12-2445-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of NextG Networks of California, Inc., NextG Networks, Inc. and Crown Castle Solutions Corp. for Approval of a Transfer of Indirect Control of an Authorized Telecommunications Provider

Docket No: 12-2442-01

In the Matter of the Name Change of UCN, Inc. to inContact, Inc.

Docket No: 12-2353-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of 360networks (USA) inc., American Fiber Systems, Inc. and Zayo Group, LLC for Approval of Certain Pro Forma Intra-Corporate Transactions

Docket No: 12-2324-02

In the Matter of the Application of AboveNet of Utah L.L.C. to Voluntarily Surrender its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

Docket No: 12-2324-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of AboveNet, Inc., AboveNet of Utah L.L.C. and Zayo Group, LLC for the Transfer of Indirect Control of AboveNet of Utah L.L.C. to Zayo Group, LLC

Docket No: 12-2320-01

In the Matter of the Name Change from dPi Teleconnect, LLC to Unity Telecom, LLC

Docket No: 12-2302-02

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc., Nextel West Corp., and Sprint Spectrum L.P.

Docket No: 12-2302-01

In the Matter of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc., v. 8×8, Incorporated

Docket No: 12-2289-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of 360networks (USA) inc., American Fiber Systems, Inc. and Zayo Group, LLC for Approval of Certain Pro Forma Intra-Corporate Transactions

Docket No: 12-2287-01

In the Matter of the Notification of CTC Communications Corp., DeltaCom, LLC f/k/a DeltaCom, Inc., and EarthLink Business, LLC f/k/a New Edge Network, Inc. Regarding Certain Pro Forma Intra-Company Changes

Docket No: 12-2277-01

In the Matter of the Notification of Name Change from DIECA Communications, Inc d/b/a Covad Communications Company to MegaPath Corporation

Docket No: 12-2272-01

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Emery Telecommunications & Video, Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications of Utah

Docket No: 12-2208-01

In the Matter of the Pro Forma Change in Ownership Involving XO Communications Services, LLC

Docket No: 12-2180-02

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between All West Communications, Inc. and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC as Successor to Cingular Wireless, LLC

Docket No: 12-2180-01

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between All West Communications, Inc. and Nextel West Corp.

Docket No: 12-094-01

In the Matter of the Application of Sprint Communications Company L.P. for Informal Adjudication of Indirect Transfer of Control

Docket No: 12-087-01

In the Matter of the Joint Application of AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. and AT&T Corp. for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier, and for Informal Adjudication of Merger

Docket No: 12-052-01

In the Matter of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between South Central Utah Telephone Association, Inc. and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC as successor to WWC Holding Co., Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-28

In the Matter of the Request for Waiver of the Threshold Requirements Outlined in FCC’s Numbering Resource Optimization Orders, FCC 00-429 and FCC 01-362 Released in FCC Docket No. 99-200

Docket No: 12-049-27

In the Matter of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC and tw telecom of Utah llc

Docket No: 12-049-26

In the Matter of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-23

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Broadvox-CLEC, LLC

Docket No: 12-049-22

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Verizon Wireless

Docket No: 12-049-21

In the Matter of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC and Sprint Communications Company, L.P.

Docket No: 12-049-20

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Bandwidth.com CLEC, LLC

Docket No: 12-049-19

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and XO Communications Services, LLC

Docket No: 12-049-18

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. dba PAETEC Business Services dba Windstream Communications

Docket No: 12-049-17

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. dba PAETEC Business Services dba Windstream Communications

Docket No: 12-049-16

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and XO Communications Services, LLC

Docket No: 12-049-15

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Utah, Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-14

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and DishNET Wireline, LLC fka Liberty-Bell Telecom, LLC

Docket No: 12-049-12

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and American Fiber Systems, Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-11

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC

Docket No: 12-049-10

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and USA Mobility Wireless, Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-09

In the Matter of the Request for Waiver of the Threshold Requirements Outlined in FCC’s Numbering Resource Optimization Orders, FCC 00-429 and FCC 01-362 Released in FCC Docket No. 99-200

Docket No: 12-049-08

In the Matter of the Petition of Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink to Permit Deviation from Commission Rules to Allow Charges to Certain Large Business Customers for Receipt of a Paper Bill

Docket No: 12-049-07

In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Redline Phone, Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-06

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Granite Telecommunications, LLC

Docket No: 12-049-05

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and BullsEye Telecom, Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-04

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Spectrotel, Inc.

Docket No: 12-049-03

In the Matter of the 2012 Qwest Performance Assurance Plan (QPAP)

Docket No: 12-049-02

In the Matter of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, and its Commercial Mobile Radio Service Operating Affiliates, d/b/a AT&T Mobility

Docket No: 12-049-01

In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Spectrotel, Inc.

Docket No: 12-042-01

In the Matter of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Emery Telephone, Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc., and Hanksville Telcom, Inc. and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC as successor to WWC Holding Co., Inc.

Docket No: 12-041-01

In the Matter of the Request for Waiver of the Utilization Threshold Requirements Outlined in FCC’s Numbering Resource Optimization Orders

Docket No: 12-057-T04

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with Commission authorization issued November 21, 2012 in Docket Nos. 12-057-15, Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment, and 12-057-16, Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance.

Docket No: 12-057-T03

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with the Commission order issued September 10, 2012 in Docket Nos. 12-057-08, Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah; 12-057-09, Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account; 12-057-10, Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance; 12-057-11, Application of Questar Gas Company for a Tariff Change and Adjustment to the Low Income Assistance/Energy Assistance Rate; and 12-057-12, Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment.

Docket No: 12-057-T02

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with the Commission orders in Docket Nos. 12-057-02, dated January 25 and 26, 2012, Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to Change its Existing Tariff by Removing the Commodity Amortization Rate; 11-057-16, dated January 24, 2012, Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment; and 11-057-15, dated January 24, 2012, Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance and for Tariff Modification.

Docket No: 12-057-T01

In the Matter of This filing is to comply with the Commission order in Docket No. 11-057-T06 dated December 29, 2011, In the Matter of the Questar Gas Company Updated Tariff Sheets filed in Compliance with Docket No. 11-057-08, Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah.

Docket No: 12-R320-01

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Petition for a Rule Change

Docket No: 12-057-20

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Notice of Intent to File a General Rate Case

Docket No: 12-057-19

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff

Docket No: 12-057-18

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Replacement Infrastructure 2013 Annual Plan and Budget

Docket No: 12-057-17

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of June and Robert Shane House of Fuell against Questar Gas Company

Docket No: 12-057-16

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance

Docket No: 12-057-15

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment

Docket No: 12-057-14

In the Matter of the Application for Approval of the 2013 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative

Docket No: 12-057-13

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement

Docket No: 12-057-12

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment

Docket No: 12-057-11

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for a Tariff Change and Adjustment to the Low Income Assistance/Energy Assistance Rate

Docket No: 12-057-10

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance

Docket No: 12-057-09

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account

Docket No: 12-057-08

In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah

Docket No: 12-057-07

In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for Plan Year: June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013

Docket No: 12-057-06

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of McCleary Associates LLC against Questar Gas Company

Docket No: 12-057-05

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment to the 191.1 Balancing Account by Means of a Special One-Time Refund

Docket No: 12-057-04

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Provide Natural Gas Transportation Service to Serve the Lake Side Power Plant Facility

Docket No: 12-057-02

In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to Change its Existing Tariff by Removing the Commodity Amortization Rate

Docket No: 12-066-T01

In the Matter of The General Service rate currently filed will be eliminated and the net metering rate on file will remain unchanged.

Docket No: 12-035-T15

In the Matter of the primary concern of these edits is to clarify that systems designed to be compliant with Section 54-2-1(16)(d) of the Utah Code are eligible to participate in the Solar Incentive Program.

Docket No: 12-035-T14

In the Matter of tariff revisions in compliance with the Commission’s Report and Order in Rocky Mountain Power’s 2012 General Rate Case, Docket 11-035-200 dated September 19, 2012, the Commission’s order on the interim rate process in Dockets 12-035-67 and 11-035-T10 dated August 30, 2012, the Commission’s approval letter on the Home energy Savings Program, Docket 12-035-T12, dated October 1, 2012, and the Commission’s order approving the Solar Incentive Program, Docket 11-035-104, dated October 1, 2

Docket No: 12-035-T13

In the Matter of the Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule Nos. 70, Renewable Energy Rider – Optional and 72, Renewable Energy Rider – Optional Bulk Purchase Option

Docket No: 12-035-T12

In the Matter of proposing changes to the Home Energy Savings Incentive Program (Home Energy Savings) administered through Sch

Docket No: 12-035-T11

In the Matter of remedying administrative issue the Company proposes filing the attached corrected Schedule 110 tariff sheets.

Docket No: 12-035-T10

In the Matter of the February12, 2009 order in Docket No. 08-035-78 on Net Metering Service, the Utah Commission directed the Company to calculate and file Schedule 37 avoided costs annually in order to establish the value or credit for net excess generation of large commercial customers under the Schedule 135 Net Metering Service.

Docket No: 12-035-T09

In the Matter of the February 12, 2009 order in Docket 08-035-78, the Commission directed Rocky Mountain Power to update annually the valuation of net excess generation credits for large non-residential customers in Schedule 135, Net Metering Service, to reflect the average retail for the previous year’s Federal Energy Regulation Commission Form No. 1.

Docket No: 12-035-T08

In the Matter of The purpose of this filing is to add language in the Company’s Regulation No. 8 to provide tariff language explaining the Company’s proration methodology.

Docket No: 12-035-T07

In the Matter of proposing changes to the ENERGY STAR New Homes program and advancing it under the New Homes program (“Program”), which will be administered through Schedule 110.

Docket No: 12-035-T06

In the Matter of Schedule 194 Demand-side Management Cost Adjustment Credit

Docket No: 12-035-T05

In the Matter of proposing changes to the Schedule 96A Dispatchable Irrigation Load Control Credit Rider Program (the “Dispatchable Program”) and phasing out the Schedule 96 Irrigation Load Control Credit Rider Program (the “Schedule Forward Program”) (collectively referred to herein as the “Programs”).

Docket No: 12-035-T04

In the Matter of Through this filing the Company is requesting approval to modify the Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers (“FinAnswer Express”) program, which is administered through Schedule 115.

Docket No: 12-035-T03

In the Matter of requesting the removal of the March 31, 2014 expiration from Schedule 192 Self-Direction Credit (the “Self-Direction Credit”) and Schedule 193 Demand-side Management Cost Adjustment (the “DSM Cost Adjustment”) (collectively referred to herein as the “Schedules”) and request administrative changes to the DSM Cost Adjustment.

Docket No: 12-035-T02

In the Matter of making changes to the Company’s street lighting tariffs that will better clarify provisions of service for street lighting customers and create consistency across the street lighting tariffs.

Docket No: 12-035-T01

In the Matter of In compliance to the December 21, 2011, Order in Docket No. 11-035-104, Rocky Mountain Power files these proposed tariff sheets associated with Tariff P.S.C.U No. 48 of PacifiCorp, d.b.a Rocky Mountain Power, applicable to electric service in the State of Utah.

Docket No: 12-031-T06

In the Matter of Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. revised the following rule; Rule 1 Definitions

Docket No: 12-031-T05

In the Matter of Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. revised the following rates; Rate Code R, H-2, H-1 (I), GS, GS-CH, NM, LGS AE, LGS-C, LGS-CH, LGS-OP, OLS, SL, I-KWH, I-OP, I, and H-I

Docket No: 12-031-T04

In the Matter of Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. revised the following rule; Rule 1 Definitions and Rule 6 Discontinuance, Restoration, Idle Service and Refusal of Service

Docket No: 12-031-T03

In the Matter of Revisions to Rule 2: Description of Service and Rule 23: Irrigation Service

Docket No: 12-031-T02

In the Matter of Revisions to Rule 23 Irrigation Service

Docket No: 12-031-T01

In the Matter of Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. Revised the following two rules: Rule 2 Description of Service and Rule 24 Service Fees

Docket No: 12-028-T02

In the Matter of New Rate Schedules: Schedule No. 33 and Schedule No. 34

Docket No: 12-028-T01

In the Matter of New Rate Schedules

Docket No: 12-025-T01

In the Matter of changing rates to move to a more cost-based rate structure and to provide sufficient revenue for Empire’s 2013 proposed budget.

Docket No: 12-022-T01

In the Matter of The Bridger Valley Electric Board of Directors authorized a Rate change to recover increased wholesale power costs and to bring rates more in line with the cost of service.

Docket No: 12-2557-01

In the Matter of Blue Mountain Power Partners, LLC’s Request that the Public Service Commission of Utah Require PacifiCorp to Provide the Approved Price for Wind Power for the Blue Mountain Project

Docket No: 12-036-T01

In the Matter of these new tariffs are designed to bring rates closer to the cost of service study and increase the monthly fee and reduce the kWh charge.

Docket No: 12-035-119

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Customer Service Agreement with the City of Enterprise, Utah

Docket No: 12-035-118

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Courtesy Notice for Renewable Resource in 2013

Docket No: 12-035-117

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Report Cost-Effectiveness Testing Requirements

Docket No: 12-035-116

In the Matter of the DSM Annual Report Filing by Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 12-035-115

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on November 9-12, 2012

Docket No: 12-035-114

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Pole Attachment Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Zayo Group, LLC

Docket No: 12-035-103

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company

Docket No: 12-035-102

In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Acquire Natural Gas Resources

Docket No: 12-035-101

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to Tariff Schedule No. 38, Qualifying Facility Procedures

Docket No: 12-035-100

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to Renewable Avoided Cost Methodology for Qualifying Facilities Projects Larger than Three Megawatts

Docket No: 12-035-98

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on September 1, 2012

Docket No: 12-035-97

In the Matter of the Pending Application of Rocky Mountain Power for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Construction of the Sigurd – Red Butte No. 2 345 kV Transmission Line

Docket No: 12-035-96

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC (Refinery)

Docket No: 12-035-95

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

Docket No: 12-035-94

In the Matter of a New Electric Service Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC

Docket No: 12-035-93

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on July 13, 2012

Docket No: 12-035-92

In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4

Docket No: 12-035-91

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a Promotional Program Pursuant to R746-404

Docket No: 12-035-90

In the Matter of the Power Purchase Agreement between Cottonwood Hydro, LLC and PacifiCorp, Dated December 14, 2011

Docket No: 12-035-89

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Pole Attachment Agreement between PacifiCorp and NewPath Networks, LLC

Docket No: 12-035-88

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2012 Smart Grid Monitoring Report

Docket No: 12-035-87

In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Customer Owned Generation and Net Metering Report and Attachment A for the Period April 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012

Docket No: 12-035-86

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Caithness Condominium HOA against Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 12-035-80

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for a Deferred Accounting Order Regarding Costs Incurred for Naughton Unit 3 Selective Catalytic Reduction System, Pulse Jet Fabric Filter System and Related Environmental Upgrades

Docket No: 12-035-79

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for an Accounting Order to Defer the Costs Related to the Decommissioning of the Carbon Plant

Docket No: 12-035-78

In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of South Forty RV Park

Docket No: 12-035-77

In the Matter of the Request for a Home Energy Report Pilot Program

Docket No: 12-035-71

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a Strategic Communications and Outreach Program for Demand-Side Management

Docket No: 12-035-70

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for Weather-Related Events that Occurred on January 18-21, 2012

Docket No: 12-035-69

In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action for Creation of a DSM Steering Committee for DSM Issues involving Sensitive, Confidential or Proprietary Information or Settlement Negotiations

Docket No: 12-035-68

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Revise Rates in Tariff Schedule 98, Renewable Energy Credits Balancing Account, by Crediting Revenues of Approximately $4.0 Million

Docket No: 12-035-67

In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account

Docket No: 12-035-57

In the Matter of the DSM Annual Report Filing by Rocky Mountain Power

Docket No: 12-035-03

In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on December 1-2, 2011

Docket No: 12-028-01

In the Matter of the Application of Garkane Energy Cooperative, Inc. to Amend its Certificated Service Area