November 2019 Filing Log
The documents are listed by date, docket number(s),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description
Date | November 2019 |
11/29/2019 | Docket No. 17-2597-01 ASSIST WIRELESS, LLC’S REVISED LIFELINE OFFERINGS In the Matter of: the Petition of Assist Wireless, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service on a Wireless Basis |
11/27/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-28 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S MOTION TO REPLACE DEU EXHIBITS 1.05 AND 1.06 WITH DEU EXHIBITS 1.05C AND 1.06C Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment |
11/27/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-01 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S Q3 2019 ENERGY BALANCING ACCOUNT (EBA) REPORT Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBITS AND WORKPAPERS] |
11/27/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 COURTESY COPY OF DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, LLC’S GAS TARIFF FILING TO REPORT ITS REVISED FUEL GAS REIMBURSEMENT PERCENTAGE – FERC DOCKET NO. RP20-280-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
11/27/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-08 PACIFICORP’S QUARTERLY FINANCING ACTIVITY REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports 2019 |
11/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-028-T01 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S JUNE 2019 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Dominion Energy Utah Financial Documents Filed in 2019 |
11/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-14 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S JUNE 2019 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Dominion Energy Utah Financial Documents Filed in 2019 |
11/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-02 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL PacifiCorp’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan |
11/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-02 PETITION TO INTERVENE OF STADION, LLC PacifiCorp’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan |
11/25/2019 | Docket No. 11-057-05 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S 3RD QUARTER 2019 LINE DAMAGE REPORT In the Matter of: the Request of the Division of Public Utilities for Enforcement Action under the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Against Questar Gas Company |
11/25/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T16 COMBINED MOTION TO INTERVENE AND MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE OF CHARGEPOINT, INC Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Schedule 120, Plug-in Electric Vehicle Incentive Pilot Program |
11/25/2019 | Docket No. 18-035-36 MOTION TO LIFT STAY AND TO SET PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Change its Depreciation Rates Effective January 1, 2021 |
11/25/2019 | Docket No. 10-2521-01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of: Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier |
11/25/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-17 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S THIRD QUARTER 2019 INTEGRATION PROGRESS REPORT Dominion Energy Utah’s Quarterly Integration Progress Reports for 2019 |
11/25/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-17 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S SECOND QUARTER 2019 INTEGRATION PROGRESS REPORT Dominion Energy Utah’s Quarterly Integration Progress Reports for 2019 |
11/25/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 E-SERVICE CIG’S NON-CONFORMING AGREEMENT FILING OF COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS COMPANY, LLC – FERC DOCKET NO. RP20-253-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
11/22/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-41 FORMAL COMPLAINT Formal Complaint of the Poplar Grove Neighborhood Alliance against Rocky Mountain Power |
11/22/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-26 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Dominion Energy Utah’s Application for Approval of the 2020 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative |
11/22/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 E-SERVICE CIG’S QUARTERLY LUF FILING OF COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS COMPANY, LLC – FERC DOCKET NO. RP20-248-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
11/22/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 NOTICE OF HD CARRIER LLC OF ITS INTENT TO REQUEST NUMBERS FROM THE NUMBERING PLAN ADMINISTRATORS Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T17 COMPLIANCE FILING Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Proposed Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 17-035-61 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S COURTESY NOTICE AND STATUS UPDATE Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Establish Export Credits for Customer Generated Electricity |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-26 JOINT COMMENTS FROM UTAH CLEAN ENERGY AND THE SOUTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT Dominion Energy Utah’s Application for Approval of the 2020 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 18-098-01 COMMUNITY WATER COMPANY’S ANNEXATION AND ASSET ACQUISITION AGREEMENT WITH MOUNTAIN REGIONAL WATER SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT In the Matter of: Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 10-2521-01 VIRGIN MOBILE USA, L.P. D/B/A ASSURANCE WIRELESS’ NOTICE OF LIFELINE OFFER CHANGES In the Matter of: Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-31 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S RESPONSE TO ORDER CANCELING HEARING Formal Complaint of W. Michael Sessions against Rocky Mountain Power |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-01 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S Q3 2019 HOURLY QUALIFYING FACILITY PURCHASES REPORT Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2019 [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT] |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-2558-04 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Teleport Communications America, LLC’s Request for Waiver – Logan Rate Center |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-2558-03 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Teleport Communications America, LLC’s Request for Waiver – Midvale Rate Center |
11/21/2019 | Docket Nos. 19-057-07 and 18-057-20 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S ENERGY EFFICIENCY REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 Dominion Energy Utah’s Energy Efficiency Reports, 2019 AND Dominion Energy Utah’s Application for Approval of the 2019 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative |
11/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-31 PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE VOLUNTARY REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RESOURCE DECISION TO EXTEND SERVICE TO EUREKA, UTAH Request of Dominion Energy Utah to Extend Natural Gas Service to Eureka, Utah |
11/20/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T14 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S SECOND REPLY COMMENTS Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Regulation No. 4, Supply and Use of Service |
11/20/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-08 PACIFICORP’S FORM 10-Q FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports 2019 |
11/19/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 FCC FILING – SECTION 63.71 APPLICATION OF CENTURYLINK ILEC COMPANIES Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
11/19/2019 | Docket No. 19-028-T01 TARIFF Garkane Energy Cooperative, Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions for Schedule SC- Plant Investment Fees & Service Charges |
11/19/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-08 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Universal Service and Speech/Hearing Impaired Funds Status Reports [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT] |
11/18/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-31 COMPLAINANT’S REQUEST FOR POSTPONEMENT OF HEARING Formal Complaint of W. Michael Sessions against Rocky Mountain Power |
11/18/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-38 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC |
11/18/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-37 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC – Refinery |
11/18/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-36 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC – Smelter |
11/18/2019 | Docket No. 18-2602-01 CORRESPONDENCE FROM DEAD HORSE OIL COMPANY Pacific Energy & Mining Company |
11/18/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 FCC FILING – SECTION 63.71 APPLICATION OF BROADWING COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
11/18/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T16 TARIFF Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to the Plug-in Electric Vehicle Program (“EV Program”) administered through Electric Service Schedule No. 120, specifically to adjust existing incentives, add customer project cap capability, and add a new offering for residential customers. |
11/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-049-P10 PRICE LIST This filing proposes revisions to reflect the phased-in reductions in the Federal Lifeline credit and adds clarifying language regarding qualifying services. |
11/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGE TO KINDER MORGAN’S PHMSA OPERATOR QUALIFICATION PROGRAM Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
11/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-30 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S 2020 ANNUAL PLAN AND BUDGET Dominion Energy Utah’s Replacement Infrastructure 2020 Annual Plan and Budget |
11/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-26 COMMENTS FROM THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Dominion Energy Utah’s Application for Approval of the 2020 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative |
11/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-2208-P03 PRICE LIST This filing is the first revision amendment to replace pages originally filed on October 31, 2019 with an issued date of October 31, 2019. |
11/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-T05 TARIFF Application of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of Modifications of Tariff Sections 2.01, 4.01, and 5.01. |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-27 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S RESPONSE Formal Complaint of Tim A. Skougard against Dominion Energy Utah [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBITS] |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVID THOMSON FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBITS] |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-01 TESTIMONY OF PHILIP DIDOMENICO AND DAN F. KOEHLER FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT] |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CURTIS CHISHOLM FOR THE AMERICAN NATURAL GAS COUNCIL, INC. Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ANGC WITNESS BRUCE R. OLIVER ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN NATURAL GAS COUNCIL Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 REDACTED PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KEVIN C. HIGGINS ON BEHALF OF THE UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KEVIN C. HIGGINS ON BEHALF OF THE UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-25 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Informational Filing of Dominion Energy Utah Concerning the Transponder Replacement Program and Request for a Waiver of Applicable Commission Rules |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-27 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S MOTION TO DEVIATE FROM ELECTRONIC FILING REQUIREMENT Formal Complaint of Tim A. Skougard against Dominion Energy Utah |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF ALAN FELSENTHAL ON BEHALF OF DOMINION ENERGY UTAH Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JORDAN K. STEPHENSON FOR DOMINION ENERGY UTAH Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF KELLY B. MENDENHALL FOR DOMINION ENERGY UTAH Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF ROBERT B. HEVERT FOR DOMINION ENERGY UTAH Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ROGER SWENSON FOR US MAGNESIUM LLC Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF HOWARD E. LUBOW FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-26 DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES’ REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Dominion Energy Utah’s Application for Approval of the 2020 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-28 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-27 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Formal Complaint of Tim A. Skougard against Dominion Energy Utah |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 REDACTED PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JAMES W. DANIEL ON BEHALF OF THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE II DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JAMES W. DANIEL ON BEHALF OF THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-051-T02 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Beehive Telephone Company, Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF BRIAN C. COLLINS ON BEHALF OF FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
11/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-02 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S NOTICE PacifiCorp’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan |
11/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-29 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance |
11/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-2558-04 REQUEST Teleport Communications America, LLC’s Request for Waiver – Logan Rate Center [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT] |
11/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-2558-04 MOTION TO DEVIATE FROM ELECTRONIC FILING REQUIREMENT Teleport Communications America, LLC’s Request for Waiver – Logan Rate Center |
11/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-2180-T01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES All West Communications, Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-2558-03 REQUEST Teleport Communications America, LLC’s Request for Waiver – Midvale Rate Center [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT] |
11/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-2558-03 MOTION TO DEVIATE FROM ELECTRONIC FILING REQUIREMENT Teleport Communications America, LLC’s Request for Waiver – Midvale Rate Center |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T15 COMMENTS FROM UTAH CLEAN ENERGY Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Schedule Nos. 70 and 72, Renewable Energy Rider and Renewable Energy Rider Bulk Purchase |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-2419-T01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-041-T05 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah dba Frontier Communications of Utah’s Tariff Revisions to include less restrictive language regarding Vacation Get Away Service available to customers. |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-041-T04 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah dba Frontier Communications of Utah’s Tariff Revisions to Reduce Federal Lifeline support for voice-only Lifeline Service from $9.25 per month per lifeline subscriber to $7.25, as a result of the FCC’s Lifeline Modernization Order, WC Docket No. 11-42, Issued April 27, 2016. |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-050-T05 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Navajo Communications Company, Inc. dba Frontier Navajo Communications Company’s Tariff Revisions to include less restrictive language regarding Vacation Get Away Service available to customers. |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-02 APPENDIX A, RE: HUNTER HOLMAN, SARAH WRIGHT, KEVIN EMERSON, AND KATE BOWMAN FOR UTAH CLEAN ENERGY PacifiCorp’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-02 PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE PacifiCorp’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T15 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Schedule Nos. 70 and 72, Renewable Energy Rider and Renewable Energy Rider Bulk Purchase |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-16 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Dominion Energy Utah’s Affiliate Transaction Report for the 12 Months Ending December 31, 2018 |
11/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-046-T02 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Manti Telephone Company’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/8/2019 | Docket No. 19-043-T02 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Gunnison Telephone Company’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/8/2019 | Docket No. 19-051-T02 TARIFF Beehive Telephone Company, Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/8/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-06 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S OPERATOR REGISTRY NOTIFICATION NO. F-20191107-23048 Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) Incident Reports and Miscellaneous Notifications Filed in 2019 |
11/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-2302-T01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-2303-T01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Hanksville Telcom, Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-042-T01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Emery Telephone’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-046-T02 TARIFF Manti Telephone Company’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 NOTICE OF VONAGE HOLDINGS CORP. OF ITS INTENT TO REQUEST NUMBERS FROM THE NUMBERING PLAN ADMINISTRATORS Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
11/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-034-01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Strawberry Water Users Association’s Petition for Declaratory Ruling |
11/6/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 FCC FILING – SECTION 63.71 APPLICATION OF XO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, LLC AND XO VIRGINIA, LLC Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
11/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-052-T02 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES South Central Utah Telephone Association, Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-053-T02 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES UBTA-UBET Communications Inc.’s Proposed Tariff Revisions |
11/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-050-T04 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Navajo Communications Company, Inc. dba Frontier Navajo Communications Company’s Tariff Revisions to reduce the Federal Lifeline support for voice-only Lifeline service from $9.25 per month per Lifeline subscriber to $7.25, as a result of the FCC’s Lifeline Modernization Order, WC Docket No. 11-42, issued April 27, 2016. |
11/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-40 REDACTED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Amendment to Agreement for Electric Service to Additional Customers with City of Blanding, Utah Docket No. 19-035-40 REDACTED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Amendment to Agreement for Electric Service to Additional Customers with City of Blanding, Utah |
11/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T14 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Regulation No. 4, Supply and Use of Service |
11/4/2019 | Docket No. 19-R409-02 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Proposed Change to Utah Admin. Code R746-409-1, Pipeline Safety |
11/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-19 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S SERVICE QUALITY REVIEW REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2019 Rocky Mountain Power’s Service Quality Review Report |
11/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-29 APPLICATION Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance |
11/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-28 APPLICATION Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment |
11/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-28 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S ANNUAL DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT DEFERRED ACCOUNT AND FORECAST REPORT Rocky Mountain Power’s Semi-Annual Demand-Side Management (DSM) Forecast Reports |
11/1/2019 | Docket No. 18-057-22 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S REPLACEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE ANNUAL PLAN AND BUDGET, THIRD QUARTER VARIANCE REPORT Dominion Energy Utah’s Replacement Infrastructure 2019 Annual Plan and Budget |
11/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-2613-01 REPLY COMMENTS OF COMMNET RURAL AMERICA, LLC Application of Commnet Rural America, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Telecommunications Services within the State of Utah |
11/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-2613-01 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE OF PHILLIP J. RUSSELL Application of Commnet Rural America, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Telecommunications Services within the State of Utah |