Water 2023

Orders and Notices

These orders and notices are stored in PDF format. They are listed by the month issued, docket number, and name of the order or notice issued by the Public Service Commission of Utah.

12/29/2023 Docket No. 23-001-03Order on Request for ReviewBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Ronda and Martell Menlove
12/12/2023 Docket No. 23-010-01Notice of Virtual HearingHighlands Water Company, Inc. – Request to Update its Service Area
12/4/2023 Docket No. 23-067-01Notice and Comment PeriodWanship Water Company, LLC – Request for a Rate Increase
12/14/2023 Docket No. 23-2443-01Order Approving Stipulation and Associated Tariff ChangesWaterPro, Inc. – Application for Culinary Water Rate Increase
11/8/2023 Docket No. 23-001-03Order on Formal ComplaintBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Ronda and Martell Menlove
11/29/2023 Docket No. 23-067-01Order Granting in Part Stipulated Motion to Substitute Updated Tariff No. 3 for Previously Filed TariffWanship Water Company, LLC – Request for a Rate Increase
11/29/2023 Docket No. 23-067-01Order Approving in Part Settlement Stipulation and Associated Tariff ChangesWanship Water Company, LLC – Request for a Rate Increase
11/13/2023 Docket No. 23-2643-01Notice of Filing and Comment PeriodMountain Green Mutual Water Company – Application for Exemption
10/12/2023 Docket No. 23-067-01Order Granting Motion to Vacate Scheduling Order, Amended Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Virtual Public Witness HearingWanship Water Company, LLC – Request for a Rate Increase
10/30/2023 Docket No. 23-2443-01Order Granting Motion to Vacate Scheduling Order, Amended Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Virtual Public Witness HearingWaterPro, Inc. – Application for Culinary Water Rate Increase
9/25/2023 Docket No. 22-097-01Order Approving Settlement Stipulation and Associated Tariff ChangesMountain Sewer Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
9/27/2023 Docket No. 22-540-01Order Approving Stipulation and Associated Tariff ChangesLakeview Water Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
9/22/2023 Docket No. 23-010-01Notice of Filing and Comment PeriodHighlands Water Company, Inc. – Request to Update its Service Area
8/3/2023 Docket No. 22-097-01Order Granting Motion to Vacate Scheduling Order, Amended Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Public Witness HearingMountain Sewer Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
8/17/2023 Docket No. 22-097-01Order Granting Motion for Witness to Appear RemotelyMountain Sewer Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
8/29/2023 Docket No. 22-097-01Acknowledgment of Filing Corrected Attachments Substituting them for Original Settlement Stipulation Attachments Mountain Sewer Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
8/3/2023 Docket No. 22-540-01Order Granting Motion to Vacate Scheduling Order, Amended Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Public Witness HearingLakeview Water Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
8/17/2023 Docket No. 22-540-01Order Granting Motion for Witness to Appear RemotelyLakeview Water Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
8/29/2023 Docket No. 22-540-01Order Granting Joint Motion to Substitute Third Corrected Attachments for Original Settlement Stipulation AttachmentsLakeview Water Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
8/24/2023 Docket No. 23-001-03Notice of Virtual Hearing and to Parties to be Prepared to Address Specific Issues at HearingBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Ronda and Martell Menlove
8/28/2023 Docket No. 23-001-03Amended Notice of Virtual HearingBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Ronda and Martell Menlove
8/29/2023 Docket No. 23-001-03Erratum Amended Notice of Virtual HearingBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Ronda and Martell Menlove
No orders or notices issued this month.
6/8/2023 Docket No. 23-001-01Order on Formal ComplaintBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Steven Watterson
6/13/2023 Docket No. 23-001-02Order on Formal ComplaintBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Chris and Erin Jepsen
6/26/2023 Docket No. 23-001-03Notice of Filing and Comment PeriodBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Ronda and Martell Menlove
6/7/2023 Docket No. 23-067-01Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Public Witness HearingWanship Water Company, LLC – Request for a Rate Increase
6/15/2023 Docket No. 23-2639-01Order Granting Request for Reconsideration and Modifying Previous OrderKane Creek Preservation and Development, LLC – Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Operate as a Public Utility Rendering Sanitary Sewer Service
5/4/2023 Docket No. 23-001-01Notice of Virtual Status Update ConferenceBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Steven Watterson
5/26/2023 Docket No. 23-067-01Notice of Virtual Scheduling ConferenceWanship Water Company, LLC – Request for a Rate Increase
5/10/2023 Docket No. 23-2443-01Notice of Virtual Scheduling ConferenceWaterPro, Inc. – Application for Culinary Water Rate Increase
5/23/2023 Docket No. 23-2443-01Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Public Witness HearingWaterPro, Inc. – Application for Culinary Water Rate Increase
4/20/2023 Docket No. 23-2639-01OrderKane Creek Preservation and Development, LLC – Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Operate as a Public Utility Rendering Sanitary Sewer Service
3/14/2023 Docket No. 22-097-01Order Approving Interim RatesMountain Sewer Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
3/16/2023 Docket No. 22-540-01Order Approving Interim RatesLakeview Water Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
3/20/2023 Docket No. 23-001-01Notice of Filing and Comment PeriodBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Steven Watterson
3/29/2023 Docket No. 23-001-02Notice of Filing and Comment PeriodBridgerland Water Company – Formal Complaint of Chris and Erin Jepsen
2/1/2023 Docket No. 22-097-01Notice of Virtual Scheduling ConferenceMountain Sewer Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
2/9/2023 Docket No. 22-097-01Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing on Interim Rates, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Public Witness HearingMountain Sewer Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
2/1/2023 Docket No. 22-540-01Notice of Virtual Scheduling ConferenceLakeview Water Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
2/9/2023 Docket No. 22-540-01Scheduling Order, Notice of Hearing on Interim Rates, Notice of Hearing, and Notice of Public Witness HearingLakeview Water Corporation – Application for General Rate Increase
2/22/2023 Docket No. 23-2639-01Notice of Filing and Comment PeriodKane Creek Preservation and Development, LLC – Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Operate as a Public Utility Rendering Sanitary Sewer Service
No orders or notices issued this month.