Water 2009
In the Matter of This is not a change in the fee or company policy, but simply to clarify the Wordage, and make it clearer to the public.
In the Matter of the Request of Highlands Water Co. for Approval of a Rate Increase, Re: Late Payment Service Charge and Returned Check Fee
In the Matter of the Complaint and Request for Agency Action against Leon H. Saunders; Landmark Plaza Associates; Parley’s Creek, LTD; Parley’s Lane, LTD; Parley’s Park; Stuart A Knowles; Trilogy Limited, L.P.; Trilogy Asset Management, Inc.; Land & Water Resources, Inc.; Lawrence R. Knowles Irrevocable Trust: Leon H. Saunders, Stuart A. Knowles and Trilogy Limited, :.P. dba SK Resources, a Utah general partnership and/or joint venture; Summit Water Distribution Company, a Utah corporation
In the Matter of the Request of Sherwood Water Company for Approval of a Rate Increase
In the Matter of the Request of Paul Bevan for Verification of Water Company Status
In the Matter of the Request of Pine Valley Irrigation Company for Approval of a Special Assessment and Rate Increase
In the Matter of the Request of White Hills Water Co. Inc. for Approval of a Rate Increase
In the Matter of the Transfer of Ownership of Wolf Creek Ranch Water System to Jordanelle Special Service District
In the Matter of the Investigation into the Rates Charged by Cedar Point Mutual Water Company
In the Matter of Cedar Point Water Company hereby requests that the following changes be made to the proposed tariff per discussions with DPU staff: (1) standby fee be increased from $15 to $20 beginning 1/1/2011 and, (2) that the connection fee for any lots that are not recorded, platted, and deeded as of 1/1/2010 be $6,000 commencing on and after 1/1/2010.
In the Matter of the Application of Cedar Point Water Company, for Approval of a Rate Increase
In the Matter of the Request of Pineview West Water Company for Approval of a Rate Increase
In the Matter of Rate Schedules and Rules and Regulations
In the Matter of the Request for a Rate Increase for Hidden Creek Water Company
In the Matter of the Request of WaterPro, Inc., for Approval of a Rate Increase
In the Matter of the Application of Willow Creek Water Company, Inc., for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate as a Public Utility Rendering Culinary Water Service or Expansion of Service Area
In the Matter of Clarifying the allowable annual usage and overage charges.
In the Matter of the Application of Deepwater Distribution Company, Inc. for Exemption
In the Matter of the Property Owners Request for Verification of a Public Water System in Utah