Telecom 2007
In the Matter of the Filing Under Protest of the Commercial Agreement Between Qwest Corporation and Eschelon Telecom, Inc. for the Provision of Qwest Local Services
In the Matter of Qwest Corporation’s Petition for Commission Approval of 2007 Additions to Non- Impaired Wire Center List and Motion for Expedited Issuance of Protective Order
In the Matter of Qwest Corporation’s Request for Approval of a Stipulation Regarding Certain Performance Indicator Definitions and Qwest Performance Assurance Plan Provisions
In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement Between Qwest Corporation and Eschelon Telecom of Utah, Inc.
In the Matter of the Petition for (801) Area Code Overlay & Abrogation and Recision of 801 Area Code Split Order
In the Matter of Utah Rural Telecom Association’s Petition for a Rule on Capital Structure; R746-361
In the Matter of the Petition of Eschelon Telecom of Utah, Inc., for Arbitration with Qwest Corporation, Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. Section 252 of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996
In the Matter of the Provision of Extended Area Service between All West Communications, Inc.’s Jordanelle Exchange and Qwest Corporation’s Park City Exchange
In the Matter of Joint Application of Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc. and Eschelon Telecom, Inc. for Approval of a Transfer of Control of Eschelon Telecom, Inc.
In the Matter of the Application of Central Telcom Services, LLC for a Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience to Provide Facilities Based Local Exchange Services within Utah
In the Matter of the Application of Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC for a Waiver Request
In the Matter of the Petition of Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC, for a Rebalance of Rates and Support from the State Universal Service Support Fund
In the Matter of the Application of Bresnan Broadband, LLC, for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier in Utah
In the Matter of the Application of Affinity Network, Inc., d/b/a ANI Networks to Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale Interexchange Telecommunications Services Within the State of Utah
In the Matter of the Application of Sage Telecom, Inc., for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services