Misc. 2024

Orders and Notices

These orders and notices are stored in PDF format. They are listed by the month issued, docket number, and name of the order or notice issued by the Public Service Commission of Utah.

6/11/2024 Docket No. 24-999-08Notice – Universal Service and Speech/Hearing Impaired Funds Status Reports
6/11/2024 Docket No. 24-R008-01Notice – Proposed Amendment to Utah Admin. Code R746-8-301, Calculation and Application of UUSF Surcharge
No Orders or Notices issued this month.
4/3/2024 Docket No. 23-R312-01 Notice of Opportunity to Submit Proposed Amendments to Rule and Comment Period – Investigation into Possible Amendment of Utah Admin. Code R746-312, Electrical Interconnection
4/5/2024 Docket No. 23-R312-01 Clarification of Notice – Investigation into Possible Amendment of Utah Admin. Code R746-312, Electrical Interconnection
3/7/2024 Docket No. 24-999-07Second Notice Regarding Request for Arbitration – Request of Gary Labrum for Arbitration
3/4/2024 Docket No. 24-999-10Notice of Docket and Technical Conference – Investigation, Re: Utah Universal Public Telecommunications Support Fund Disbursements
3/8/2024 Docket No. 24-999-11Notice of Docket and Technical Conference – Investigation, Re: Carbon Reduction Progress Report Outstanding Issues
3/15/2024 Docket No. 24-999-11Erratum Notice of Docket and Technical Conference – Investigation, Re: Carbon Reduction Progress Report Outstanding Issues
No Orders or Notices issued this month.
1/23/2024 Docket No. 24-999-07Notice Regarding Request for Arbitration – Request of Gary Labrum for Arbitration
1/11/2024 Docket No. 23-R312-01 Scheduling Order and Notice of Technical Conference – Investigation into Possible Amendment of Utah Admin. Code R746-312, Electrical Interconnection