Electric 2003
In the Matter of the Divisions Annual Review and Evaluation of the Electric Lifeline Program, HELP
In the Matter of the Application of the Formal Complaint of Dammeron Valley Water Works vs. Utah Power and Light
In the Matter of Schedule 37- Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities
In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp for Approval of an IRP-based Avoided Cost Methodology for QF Projects Larger than One Megawatt
In the Matter of the Application of US magnesium LLC for Determination of Long-Term Economic Development Rates and Conditions of Interruptible Service
In the Matter of Comcast Cable Communications, INC., a Pennsylvania Corporation vs. PacifiCorp, dba UTAH POWER, an Oregon Corporation
In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Construction of the Currant Creek Power Project
In the Matter of the Petition of US Magnesium LLC for Approval of a Contract for the Sale of Capacity and Energy from its Existing and Proposed QF Facilities
In the Matter of the Acknowledgment of PacifiCorp Integrated Resource Plan 2003
In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp for Approval of Its Proposed Electric Service Schedules & Electric Service Regulatio