Docket No: 23-035-27

Rocky Mountain Power’s 2023 Wildland Fire Cost and Compliance Report

For questions regarding documents not linked call 801-530-6716

Date Description
November 9, 2023 Order
October 17, 2023 Reporter’s Transcript, Re: October 11, 2023
October 11, 2023 Recorded Live Stream of Hearing Held October 11, 2023
October 4, 2023 Order Granting Motion for Witness to Appear Remotely
September 29, 2023 Amended Notice of Hearing
September 27, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power’s Motion Requesting Leave for Witness to Appear Telephonically
September 27, 2023 Division of Public Utilities’ Comments Regarding Change of Hearing Time
September 25, 2023 Office of Consumer Services’ Comments on Hearing Start Time
September 25, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power’s Comments on Hearing Start Time
September 22, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power’s Phase II Reply Comments
September 21, 2023 Request for Comments
September 20, 2023 Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Comments
September 12, 2023 Acknowledgment Letter from the Public Service Commission
September 1, 2023 Office of Consumer Services’ Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Initial Comments
OCS Attachment A – Phase II Supplemental Comments
OCS Attachment B – RMP’s Response to OCS 2nd Set Data Request (1-14)
OCS Attachment 1.2-1 – 1st Supp 2021 and 2022 Wildland Fire Cost
OCS Attachment 2.3 – Technosylva Software, PO 3000145674
OCS Attachment 2.5 – Alert Wildfire Camera, Scope of Work and Pricing
OCS Attachment 2.11 – FHCA Inspections Transmission Corona
August 28, 2023 Phase II Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
August 28, 2023 Phase II Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
August 25, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power’s Phase I Reply Comments
August 11, 2023 Phase I Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
August 11, 2023 Phase I Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
July 12, 2023 Scheduling Order and Notice of Hearing
June 30, 2023 Order Granting Motion and Notice of Scheduling Conference
June 28, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power’s Response to the Office of Consumer Services’ Motion
June 23, 2023 Notice Regarding Deadline to File a Response
June 22, 2023 Office of Consumer Services’ Motion to: Deviate from R746-315-3(3)(6) Pursuant to R746-1-109, Vacate the Existing Notice of Filing and Comment Period, Request for a Scheduling Conference, and for Expedited Treatment of this Motion
June 5, 2023 Notice of Filing and Comment Period
June 2, 2023 Action Request, Due: June 30, 2023
June 1, 2023 Utah Wildland Fire Protection Plan Cost and Compliance Report
RMP Attachment A – Wildland Fire Balance Calculation
RMP Attachments B and C

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