Docket No: 21-035-09

PacifiCorp’s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan

For questions regarding documents not linked call 801-530-6716

Date Description
February 2, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Karl Boothman for Western Resource Advocates
September 27, 2022 Rocky Mountain Power’s Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Removal from Service List
July 29, 2022 PacifiCorp’s Reply Comments
July 12, 2022 Rocky Mountain Power’s Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Removal from Service List
June 29, 2022 Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
June 2, 2022 Order
April 7, 2022 Redacted Sierra Club’s Reply Comments
Sierra Club’s Reply Comments [CONFIDENTIAL]
Redacted Sierra Club Attachments 1-9
Sierra Club Attachments 1 – 9 [CONFIDENTIAL]
Certificate of Service
April 7, 2022 Office of Consumer Services’ Reply Comments
April 7, 2022 PacifiCorp’s Reply Comments
April 7, 2022 Reply Comments from Utah Clean Energy
April 7, 2022 Redacted Reply Comments of Western Resource Advocates
Reply Comments of Western Resource Advocates [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 1 – Response to ALJ Bench Request 1 [CONFIDENTIAL]
Confidential WRA Workpapers
Certificate of Service
April 7, 2022 Division of Public Utilities’ Reply Comments
April 7, 2022 Public Comments of the Community Renewable Energy Agency
April 6, 2022 Notice of Filing and Comment Period
April 4, 2022 Order Granting Intervention of Salt Lake City Corporation
April 1, 2022 Rocky Mountain Power’s Supplemental Filing to 2021 IRP Update
RMP Chapter 1 – Executive Summary
RMP Chapter 1 – Executive Summary [CONFIDENTIAL]
March 31, 2022 PacifiCorp’s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan Update
RMP Appendix A – Additional Load Forecast Details
RMP Chapter 4 – Load and Resource Balance Update
RMP Chapter 4 – Load and Resource Balance Update [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 5 – Modeling Assumptions Update
RMP Chapter 5 – Modeling Assumptions Update [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 6 – Portfolio Development
RMP Chapter 6 – Portfolio Development [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 1 – DSM
RMP Attachment 2 – Price Curves
RMP Attachment 3 – Input Assumptions [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 4 – LT Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 5 – MT Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 6 – ST Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 7 – Preferred Portfolio [CONFIDENTIAL]
March 29, 2022 Order Granting Intervention of the Renewable Energy Coalition
March 16, 2022 Appendix A, Re: Ezra D. Hausman for Sierra Club
March 14, 2022 Public Comments from March 14, 2022
March 14, 2022 Petition to Intervene of Salt Lake City Corporation
March 9, 2022 Public Comments from March 9, 2022
March 9, 2022 Renewable Energy Coalition’s Replacement of Attachment A for its Petition to Intervene and Motion for Permission to be Represented by Out-of-State Attorney
March 9, 2022 Correspondence from Gary L. Widerburg, Re: Utah Clean Energy and Southwest Energy Efficiency Project’s Joint Motion to Deviate from Electronic Filing Requirement
March 8, 2022 Public Comments from March 8, 2022
March 7, 2022 Public Comments from March 7, 2022
March 4, 2022 Public Comments from March 4, 2022
March 4, 2022 The Renewable Energy Coalition Comments
March 4, 2022 Petition to Intervene of the Renewable Energy Coalition and Motion for Permission to be Represented by Out-of-State Attorney
March 4, 2022 Redacted Sierra Club’s Opening Comments
Sierra Club’s Opening Comments [CONFIDENTIAL]
Attachments 1 and 4
Attachment 2 – PacifiCorp Response to Sierra Club Data Request 3.1 in LC 77 [CONFIDENTIAL]
Attachment 3 – PacifiCorp Response to Sierra Club Data Request 4.2 in LC 77 [CONFIDENTIAL]
Attachment 5 – PacifiCorp Response to CUB Data Request 1 in LC 77 [CONFIDENTIAL]
Certificate of Service
March 4, 2022 Public Comments from Snowsports Industries America
March 4, 2022 Public Comments from Salt Lake City Corporation
March 4, 2022 Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
March 4, 2022 Comments of the Utah Association of Energy Users
UAE Exhibit 1 – Report and Order on Standards and Guidelines, Docket No. 09-2035-01
UAE Exhibit 2 – Generation Interconnection Cluster 1 Study Report, Cluster Area 1, November 10, 2021
UAE Exhibit 3 – Northern Tier Transmission Group, 2018-2019 Draft Final Regional Transmission Plan, Revised September 18, 2019
UAE Exhibit 4 – PacifiCorp Large Generator Interconnection Feasibility Study Report, Completed for LGIQ#Q0409, May 4, 2012
March 4, 2022 Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
March 4, 2022 Redacted Comments from Southwest Energy Efficiency Project and Utah Clean Energy
Comments from Southwest Energy Efficiency Project and Utah Clean Energy [CONFIDENTIAL]
March 4, 2022 Utah Clean Energy and Southwest Energy Efficiency Project’s Joint Motion to Deviate from Electronic Filing Requirement
March 4, 2022 Comments from Utah Clean Energy
March 4, 2022 Comments of Fervo Energy Company
Certificate of Service
March 4, 2022 Redacted Comments of Western Resource Advocates
Comments of Western Resource Advocates [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibits 1 through 8 – Compiled PDF Reading Aid [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 1 – Annual Capacity Factors [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 2 – Preferred Portfolio Expected Starts [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 3 – Take-or-Pay Contract Summary [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 4 – Monthly Capacity Factors [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 5 – Comparative Fuel Costs [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 6 – Historical Annual Starts Following Shutdowns [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 7 – Wyodak Monthly Hours of Operation [CONFIDENTIAL]
WRA Exhibit 8 – Data Request Responses Referenced in Comments
Certificate of Service
March 4, 2022 Initial Comments of the Interwest Energy Alliance
March 4, 2022 Interwest Energy Alliance’s Notice of Appearance and Request for Change of Service List
March 3, 2022 Public Comments from March 3, 2022
March 2, 2022 Public Comments from March 2, 2022
March 1, 2022 Public Comments from March 1, 2022
February 28, 2022 Public Comments from February 28, 2022
February 25, 2022 Public Comments from February 25, 2022
February 24, 2022 Public Comments from February 24, 2022
February 23, 2022 Public Comments from February 23, 2022
February 23, 2022 Order Granting Intervention of the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
February 22, 2022 Public Comments from February 22, 2022
February 18, 2022 Public Comments from February 18, 2022
February 7, 2022 Public Comments from February 7, 2022
February 4, 2022 Appendix A, Re: Erin Overturf for Western Resource Advocates
Certificate of Service
January 28, 2022 Appendix A, Re: Justin Brant for Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
January 28, 2022 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
January 24, 2022 Public Comments from January 24, 2022
January 19, 2022 Technical Conference Presentation for January 19, 2022
Table of all 2021 IRP Technical Conference Questions by Topic
Recorded Live Stream of Technical Conference Held on January 19, 2022
January 11, 2022 Interwest Energy Alliance’s Notice of Change in Non-Disclosure Certificate Withdrawal of Blouin Request for Disclosure of Confidential Information
January 7, 2022 Cover Email
The Utah Association of Energy Users’ Questions for the January 19, 2022 Technical Conference
January 6, 2022 Notice That Technical Conference Will Be Virtual
January 5, 2022 Division of Public Utilities’ Questions for the January 19, 2022 Technical Conference
January 5, 2022 Office of Consumer Services’ Questions for the January 19, 2022 Technical Conference
January 5, 2022 Fervo Energy Company’s Questions for the January 19, 2022 Technical Conference
January 5, 2022 Utah Clean Energy’s Questions for the January 19, 2022 Technical Conference
January 5, 2022 Sierra Club’s Questions for the January 19, 2022 Technical Conference
January 5, 2022 Interwest Energy Alliance’s Questions for the January 19, 2022 Technical Conference
December 27, 2021 Public Comments from December 27, 2021
December 13, 2021 Appendix A, Re: Stephen J. Baron, Philip Hayet, and Leah J. Wellborn for the Utah Office of Consumer Services
December 6, 2021 Public Comments from December 6, 2021
November 30, 2021 Public Comments from November 30, 2021
November 18, 2021 Appendix A, Re: Maria Roumpani for Sierra Club
November 16, 2021 Appendix A, Re: Alex Pfeifer-Rosenblum for Sierra Club
November 9, 2021 Appendix A, Re: Rose Monahan, Gloria D. Smith, Ana Boyd, Edward Burgess, and Brad Cebulko for Sierra Club
November 5, 2021 Order Granting Intervention of Sierra Club
October 15, 2021 Sierra Club’s Petition to Intervene
October 12, 2021 Order Granting Intervention of the Utah Association of Energy Users
October 12, 2021 Order Granting Intervention of Utah Clean Energy
October 12, 2021 Order Granting Intervention of Fervo Energy Company
October 1, 2021 Rocky Mountain Power’s Supplemental Sensitivity Studies
RMP Appendix A – Load Forecast Details
RMP Appendix A – Load Forecast Details [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix F – Flexible Reserve Study
RMP Appendix F – Flexible Reserve Study [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix H – Stochastic Parameters [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix J – Stochastic Simulation Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix K – Capacity Contribution
RMP Appendix K – Capacity Contribution [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix N – Energy Storage Potential Evaluation
RMP Appendix N – Energy Storage Potential Evaluation [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix O – Washington Clean Energy Action Plan [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 1 – Executive Summary
RMP Chapter 1 – Executive Summary [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 5 – Reliability and Resiliency
RMP Chapter 6 – Load and Resource Balance
RMP Chapter 6 – Load and Resource Balance [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 7 – Resource Options
RMP Chapter 7 – Resource Options [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 8 – Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach
RMP Chapter 8 – Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 9 – Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results
RMP Chapter 9 – Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 1 – DSM
RMP Attachment 2 – Price Curves
RMP Attachment 3 – Figure 8.17 Sensitivity and Individual Charts for Load and Peak Energy
RMP Attachment 4 – Preferred Portfolio LT, MT, and ST [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 5 – Input Assumptions [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 6 – LT Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 7 – MT Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 8 – Plexos Inputs [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 9 – ST Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 10 – Sensitivity LT Studies Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 11 – Sensitivity MT Studies Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 12 – Sensitivity ST Studies Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 13 – Sensitivity Documents – Compares [CONFIDENTIAL]
September 30, 2021 Order Granting Intervention of the Interwest Energy Alliance
September 28, 2021 Appendix A, Re: Christopher Leger, Lisa Tormoen Hickey, and Nate Blouin for Interwest Energy Alliance
September 27, 2021 Appendix A, Re: Hunter Holman, Kate Bowman, and Kevin Emerson for Utah Clean Energy
September 22, 2021 Appendix A, Re: Phillip J. Russell and Donald Hendrickson for the Utah Association of Energy Users
September 22, 2021 Petition to Intervene of the Utah Association of Energy Users
September 21, 2021 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Utah Clean Energy
September 20, 2021 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Fervo Energy Company
September 20, 2021 Scheduling Order and Notice of Technical Conference
September 15, 2021 PacifiCorp’s Errata to the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan
RMP Appendix A – Load Forecast Details
RMP Appendix A – Load Forecast Details [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix F – Flexible Reserve Study
RMP Appendix F – Flexible Reserve Study [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix H – Stochastic Parameters [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix J – Stochastic Simulation Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix K – Capacity Contribution [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix N – Energy Storage Potential Evaluation
RMP Appendix N – Energy Storage Potential Evaluation [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix O – Washington Clean Energy Action Plan [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 1 – Executive Summary, Figure 1.8 Load Comparison
RMP Chapter 1 – Executive Summary [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 5 – Reliability and Resiliency, Tables 5.9 to 5.11 Loads
RMP Chapter 6 – Load and Resource Balance
RMP Chapter 6 – Load and Resource Balance [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 7 – Resource Options
RMP Chapter 7 – Resource Options [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 8 – Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach
RMP Chapter 8 – Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 9 – Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results
RMP Chapter 9 – Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 1 – DSM
RMP Attachment 2 – Price Curves
RMP Attachment 3 – Input Assumptions [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 4 – Preferred Portfolio [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 5 – LT Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 6 – MT Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 7 – Plexos Inputs [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 8 – ST Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
September 9, 2021 Interwest Energy Alliance’s Motion for Permission to be Represented by Out-of-State Attorney
September 9, 2021 Interwest Energy Alliance’s Petition to Intervene
September 7, 2021 Notices of Filing and Virtual Scheduling Conference
September 1, 2021 PacifiCorp’s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan
April 1, 2021 Order Granting Intervention of Western Resource Advocates
March 15, 2021 Order Granting Request for Extension to File
March 10, 2021 Reply Comments of the Utah Association of Energy Users
March 10, 2021 Reply Comments of Rocky Mountain Power on its Request for Extension
March 10, 2021 Appendix A, Re: James B. Dalton, Sophie Hayes, Callie Hood, Nancy Kelly, and Steven S. Michel for Western Resource Advocates
March 10, 2021 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Western Resource Advocates
March 3, 2021 Comments of the Utah Association of Energy Users
March 3, 2021 Sierra Club’s Comments on PacifiCorp’s Request for Extension to File its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan
March 3, 2021 Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
March 3, 2021 Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
February 16, 2021 Notice and Request for Comments
February 12, 2021 Action Request, Due: March 15, 2021
February 12, 2021 Rocky Mountain Power’s Request for Extension

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