Docket No: 18-035-16

Rocky Mountain Power’s First Annual Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan Act (“STEP”) Program Status Report

For questions regarding documents not linked call 801-530-6714

Date Description
August 3, 2018 Order
July 27, 2018 Rocky Mountain Power’s Reply Comments
July 26, 2018 Reply Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
July 20, 2018 Reply Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
July 12, 2018 Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
July 12, 2018 Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
July 11, 2018 Joint Comments from Southwest Energy Efficiency Project and Utah Clean Energy
May 9, 2018 Notice of Amended Comment Period
May 8, 2018 Division of Public Utilities’ Request for Extension
May 2, 2018 Notice of Filing and Comment Period
April 30, 2018 Action Request Due: May 30, 2018
April 30, 2018 Rocky Mountain Power’s 1st STEP Annual Report
RMP Exhibit A – Rocky Mountain Power’s STEP and USIP Summary

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