August 2019 Filing Log
The documents are listed by date, docket number(s),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description
Date | August 2019 |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-20 APPLICATION Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-18 APPLICATION Pass-Through Application of Dominion Energy Utah for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT] |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 AMERICAN NATURAL GAS COUNCIL’S QUESTIONS FOR THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 PHASE II TECHNICAL CONFERENCE Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-01 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S Q2 2019 ENERGY BALANCING ACCOUNT (EBA) REPORT Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBITS] |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-22 APPLICATION Application of Dominion Energy Utah for an Adjustment to the Low Income Assistance/Energy Assistance Rate |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-21 APPLICATION Application of Dominion Energy Utah Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-08 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports 2019 [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBITS] |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-19 APPLICATION Application of Dominion Energy Utah for an Adjustment to the Daily Transportation Imbalance Charge |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 E-SERVICE CIG’S NON-CONFORMING NEGOTIATED RATE AGREEMENTS FILING OF COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS COMPANY, LLC – FERC DOCKET NO. RP19-1518-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 E-SERVICE CIG’S 2019 OPERATIONAL PURCHASES AND SALES REPORT OF COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS COMPANY, LLC – FERC DOCKET NO. RP19-1520-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, LLC’S GAS TARIFF FILING – FERC DOCKET NO. RP19-1508-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 E-SERVICE CIG’S ANNUAL FUEL AND LUF TRUE-UP FILING OF COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS COMPANY, LLC – FERC DOCKET NO. RP19-1516-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-2488-01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Request of Access Point, Inc. for Cancellation of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity |
8/30/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-14 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Dominion Energy Utah Financial Documents Filed in 2019 |
8/29/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES’ QUESTIONS FOR THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 PHASE II TECHNICAL CONFERENCE Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/29/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES’ QUESTIONS FOR THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 PHASE II TECHNICAL CONFERENCE Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/29/2019 | Docket No. 18-2602-01 CORRESPONDENCE FROM PACIFIC ENERGY & MINING COMPANY Pacific Energy & Mining Company |
8/29/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-35 NOTICE Rocky Mountain Power’s Notice of Renewable Resources in 2019-2020 |
8/29/2019 | Docket No. 18-057-07 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Dominion Energy’s Gas Line Coverage Letter |
8/29/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-30 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S ANSWER AND MOTION TO DISMISS Formal Complaint of Sarah John against Rocky Mountain Power |
8/28/2019 | Docket Nos. 19-057-07 and 18-057-20 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S ENERGY EFFICIENCY REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2019 Dominion Energy Utah’s Energy Efficiency Reports, 2019 AND Dominion Energy Utah’s Application for Approval of the 2019 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative |
8/28/2019 | Docket No. 18-057-01 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S FOURTH QUARTER VARIANCE REPORT FOR PERIOD MARCH 2019 THROUGH MAY 2019 Dominion Energy Utah’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for Plan Year: June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBITS] |
8/28/2019 | Docket Nos. 19-035-29 and 18-035-39 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S COMPLIANCE FILING Rocky Mountain Power’s Customer Owned Generation and Net Metering Report and Attachment A for the Period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019 AND Investigation Re: Expiring Excess Generation Credits under Schedule 135 |
8/28/2019 | Docket No. 16-035-36 REDACTED ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S COMPLIANCE FILING Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Implement Programs Authorized by the Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan Act Docket No. 16-035-36 |
8/27/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 APPENDIX A, RE: BRUCE R. OLIVER AND TIM OLIVER FOR AMERICAN NATURAL GAS COUNCIL Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/27/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-33 REDACTED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Amendment to Agreement for Electric Service to Additional Customers with City of Blanding, Utah Docket No. 19-035-33 |
8/27/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-03 REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT, RE: AUGUST 14, 2019 Application of Dominion Energy Utah for Authority to Change its Depreciation Rates |
8/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-049-09 FORMAL COMPLAINT Formal Complaint of Anne Francis against CenturyLink |
8/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-34 FORMAL COMPLAINT Formal Complaint of Anne Francis against Rocky Mountain Power |
8/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 E-SERVICE CIG’S PENALTIES ASSESSED COMPLIANCE FILING OF COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS COMPANY, LLC – FERC DOCKET NO. RP19-1485-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
8/26/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-08 PACIFICORP’S QUARTERLY FINANCING ACTIVITY REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2019 PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports 2019 |
8/23/2019 | Docket No. 19-041-04 and 19-041-01 RESPONSE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE Investigation of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah d/b/a/ Frontier Communications of Utah AND Formal Complaint of SRR Partners, LLC d/b/a Sorrel River Ranch Resort & Spa against Frontier Communications |
8/23/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-13 APPENDIX A, RE: PHILLIP J. RUSSELL, KEVIN C. HIGGINS, NEAL TOWNSEND, COURTNEY HIGGINS, AND JUSTIN BIEBER FOR THE UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility |
8/23/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-13 PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility |
8/23/2019 | Docket No. 19-2600-02 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Joint Notice of Fusion Connect, Inc., Debtor-In-Possession, Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Debtor-In-Possession, and Telecom Holdings LLC of a Transaction that will Result in a Material Change to the Indirect Ownership and Control of Fusion Cloud Services, LLC |
8/23/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-08 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Universal Service and Speech/Hearing Impaired Funds Status Reports [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT] |
8/23/2019 | Docket No. 19-087-P07 PRICE LIST Custom Network Services Price List – This filing increases the rates for selected plans for All In One Intrastate Long Distance Service |
8/22/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-08 PACIFICORP’S FORM 10-Q FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2019 PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports 2019 |
8/21/2019 | Docket No. 18-035-28 PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM AUGUST 21, 2019 Rocky Mountain Power’s Customer Owned Generation and Net Metering Report and Attachment A for the Period April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018 |
8/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-29 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S CORRECTION TO REPLY COMMENTS Rocky Mountain Power’s Customer Owned Generation and Net Metering Report and Attachment A for the Period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019 |
8/21/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-20 REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT, RE: JULY 29, 2019 Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Non-Generation and Renewable Energy Credit Supply Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC |
8/20/2019 | Docket No 19-999-01 PACIFICOPR’S CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCE TO NORTHERNGRID FUNDING AGREEMENT – FERC DOCKET NO. ER19-2651-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2019 |
8/19/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-32 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S MAJOR EVENT REPORT JULY 5-8, 2019 Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on July 5-8, 2019 |
8/19/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-01 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S Q2 2019 HOURLY QUALIFYING FACILITY PURCHASES REPORT Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2019 [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT] |
8/16/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T12 REPLY COMMENTS FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 196, Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan (STEP) Cost Adjustment Pilot Program |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-06 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S PHMSA INCIDENT REPORT FOR PLEASANT GROVE Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) Incident Reports and Miscellaneous Notifications Filed in 2019 |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-13 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVID SCHULTZ ON BEHALF OF MAGNUM MIDSTREAM ENERGY HOLDINGS, LLC Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-13 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DANIEL J. LAWTON FOR THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-29 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S REPLY COMMENTS Rocky Mountain Power’s Customer Owned Generation and Net Metering Report and Attachment A for the Period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019 [CONTAIN EXHIBITS] |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-13 REDACTED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ALEX WARE FOR THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT] Docket No. 19-057-13 |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-13 REDACTED DIRECT TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS OF ALLEN R. NEALE FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility Docket No. 19-057-13 |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH QUESTAR PIPELINE, LLC’S GAS TARIFF COMPLIANCE FILING – FERC DOCKET NO. RP19-824-001 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-13 REDACTED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility Docket No. 19-057-13 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Request of Dominion Energy Utah for Approval of a Voluntary Resource Decision to Construct a Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”) Facility |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-03 PACIFICORP’S SEMI ANNUAL HEDGING REPORT PacifiCorp’s Semi-Annual Hedging Report [CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBITS] |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T12 REPLY COMMENTS FROM THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 196, Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan (STEP) Cost Adjustment Pilot Program |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-29 REPLY COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Rocky Mountain Power’s Customer Owned Generation and Net Metering Report and Attachment A for the Period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019 |
8/15/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-28 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S REPLY COMMENTS Rocky Mountain Power’s Semi-Annual Demand-Side Management (DSM) Forecast Reports |
8/14/2019 | Docket Nos. 09-057-16 and 13-057-05 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Increase Distribution Non-Gas Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 PHASE I TECHNICAL CONFERENCE SIGN-IN SHEET AND PRESENTATION Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/14/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-11 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S REPLY COMMENTS Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Revise Rates in Tariff Schedule 98, Renewable Energy Credits Balancing Account |
8/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-2480-01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Mitel Cloud Services, Inc.’s Request to Cancel Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Withdraw Tariffs |
8/13/2019 | Docket No. 19-2615-01 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Time Warner Cable Business LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Interexchange Telecommunications Services within the State of Utah |
8/13/2019 | Docket No. 18-2602-01 CORRESPONDENCE FROM PACIFIC ENERGY & MINING COMPANY Pacific Energy & Mining Company |
8/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-15 ALAN KRUCKENBERG CONSTRUCTION, INC.’S REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND REHEARING Formal Complaint of Alan Kruckenberg Construction against Dominion Energy Utah |
8/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-19 TECHNICAL CONFERENCE SIGN-IN SHEET AND PRESENTATION Rocky Mountain Power’s Service Quality Review Report |
8/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-31 REDACTED FORMAL COMPLAINT Formal Complaint of W. Michael Sessions against Rocky Mountain Power Docket No. 19-035-31 FORMAL COMPLAINT Formal Complaint of W. Michael Sessions against Rocky Mountain Power |
8/12/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 SI WIRELESS, LLC REQUEST TO TERMINATE ITS ACCOUNT Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
8/9/2019 | Docket No. 19-049-P08 PRICE LIST Exchange and Network Services Price List – This filing adds an international blocking section to Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC’s Utah Price List for consistency and clarification |
8/9/2019 | Docket No. 19-2600-02 JOINT NOTICE Joint Notice of Fusion Connect, Inc., Debtor-In-Possession, Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Debtor-In-Possession, and Telecom Holdings LLC of a Transaction that will Result in a Material Change to the Indirect Ownership and Control of Fusion Cloud Services, LLC |
8/9/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T12 COMMENTS FROM THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 196, Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan (STEP) Cost Adjustment Pilot Program |
8/9/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T12 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 196, Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan (STEP) Cost Adjustment Pilot Program |
8/8/2019 | Docket No. 19-041-01 SRR PARTNERS LLC’S STATUS REPORT AND MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE Formal Complaint of SRR Partners, LLC d/b/a Sorrel River Ranch Resort & Spa against Frontier Communications |
8/8/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T12 COMMENTS FROM UTAH CLEAN ENERGY Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 196, Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan (STEP) Cost Adjustment Pilot Program |
8/8/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 APPENDIX A, RE: ROGER SWENSON FOR US MAGNESIUM Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T10 REPLY COMMENTS FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Tariff Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 111, Residential Energy Efficiency Program |
8/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-09 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S AMENDMENT TO THE MASTER ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Master Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and Utah Refractories Corporation |
8/7/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-01 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE PER UTAH CODE § 11-13-204(7)(c)(vi) FOR HEBER LIGHT & POWER Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2019 |
8/6/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-17 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S 1ST QUARTER 2019 INTEGRATION PROGRESS REPORT Dominion Energy Utah’s Quarterly Integration Progress Reports for 2019 |
8/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 APPENDIX A, RE: PHILLIP J. RUSSELL FOR US MAGNESIUM, LLC Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-057-02 PETITION TO INTERVENE OF US MAGNESIUM, LLC Application of Dominion Energy Utah to Increase Distribution Rates and Charges and Make Tariff Modifications |
8/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-T06 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Indoor Agricultural Lighting Tariff, Electric Service Schedule No. 22 |
8/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-14 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Rocky Mountain Power’s 2018 Annual Report of the Blue Sky Program |
8/5/2019 | Docket Nos. 19-057-07 and 18-057-20 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S REPORT ON DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES TO DATE Dominion Energy Utah’s Energy Efficiency Reports, 2019 AND Dominion Energy Utah’s Application for Approval of the 2019 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative |
8/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-22 REPLY COMMENTS FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power’s Demand-Side Management (DSM) 2018 Annual Energy Efficiency and Peak Load Reduction Report |
8/5/2019 | Docket No. 19-2301-P06 PRICE LIST The purpose of this filing is to increase the rates for Business Default Plan for Hierarchical Billing. |
8/2/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 CENTURYLINK PUC REPORT UPDATE – ALTA UT.080319.002 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
8/2/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-03 CENTURYLINK PUC REPORT – ALTA UT.080319.002 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2019 |
8/2/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-06 REVISED DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S PHMSA INCIDENT REPORT FOR MORONI CITY Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) Incident Reports and Miscellaneous Notifications Filed in 2019 |
8/2/2019 | Docket No. 19-2366-01 NOTICE OF CONSUMMATION Notice of Indirect Transfer of Control of West Safety Communications Inc. |
8/2/2019 | Docket No. 19-2480-01 REQUEST Mitel Cloud Services, Inc.’s Request to Cancel Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Withdraw Tariffs |
8/2/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-06 DOMINION ENERGY UTAH’S PHMSA INCIDENT REPORT FOR OGDEN CITY Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) Incident Reports and Miscellaneous Notifications Filed in 2019 |
8/1/2019 | Docket No. 18-2602-01 UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES’ RESPONSE TO THE COMMISSION’S JULY 26, 2019 NOTICE Pacific Energy & Mining Company |
8/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-999-02 E-SERVICE CIG’S NON-CONFORMING NEGOTIATED RATE AGREEMENT FILING OF COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS COMPANY, LLC – FERC DOCKET NO. RP19-1449-000 Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2019 |
8/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-025-01 EMPIRE ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.’S RESPONSE TO COMPLAINANT’S REQUEST FOR REHEARING/APPEAL Formal Complaint of Joseph Anthony Musumeci against Empire Electric Association, Inc. |
8/1/2019 | Docket No. 19-035-30 COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Formal Complaint of Sarah John against Rocky Mountain Power |