Docket No: 99-035-10

PacifiCorp – Rates and Regulations

Docket Index

Docket Number: 99-035-10 Re: 03-035-01 and 00-035-T07, Re: 04-035-21

In the Matter of: the Application of PacifiCorp for Approval of Its Proposed Electric Rate Schedules and Electric Service Regulations

For questions regarding documents that are not linked call (801) 530-6716

Date Description
September 20, 1999 Application

Direct Testimony of Richard T. O’Brien

Direct Testimony of William E. Pressini
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (WEP-1)
Exhibit UP&L_.2 (WEP-2)
Exhibit UP&L_.3 (WEP-3)
Exhibit UP&L_.4 (WEP-4)

Direct Testimony of Samuel C. Hadaway
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (SCH-1)
Exhibit UP&L _.2 (SCH-2)
Exhibit UP&L_.3 (SCH-3)
Exhibit UP&L_.4 (SCH-4)
Exhibit UP&L_.5 (SCH-5)
Exhibit UP&L_.6 (SCH-6)

Direct Testimony of Jeffrey K. Larsen
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (JKL-1) – Exhibit file

Direct Testimony of Robert R. Dalley
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (RRD-1)

Direct Testimony of Mark T. Widmer
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (MTW-1)

September 20, 1999 Direct Testimony of David L. Taylor
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (DLT-1)
Exhibit UP&L_.2 (DLT-2)
Exhibit UP&L_.3 (DLT-3)
Exhibit UP&L_.4 (DLT-4)
Exhibit UP&L_.5 (DLT-5)
Exhibit UP&L_.6 (DLT-6) – Exhibit file
September 20, 1999 Direct Testimony of William R. Griffith
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (WRG-1)
Exhibit UP&L_.2 (WRG-2)
Exhibit UP&L_.3 (WRG-3)
Exhibit UP&L_.4 (WRG-4)
September 20, 1999 Direct Testimony of Royal Drager
Exhibit UP&L_.1 (RD-1)
Exhibit UP&L_.2 (RD-2)
Exhibit UP&L_.3 (RD-3)
Exhibit UP&L_.4 (RD-4)
Exhibit UP&L_.5 (RD-5)
September 28, 1999 Action Request
September 28, 1999 Notice of Prehearing Conference
September 30, 1999 Petition to Intervene from Salt Lake CAP and CUC
October 6, 1999 Law & Motion Minutes Slip
October 12, 1999 Motion for Entry of Protective Order
October 22, 1999 Protective Order
October 22, 1999 Scheduling Order
October 25, 1999 Petition to Intervene from Nucor Steel
October 25, 1999 Appendix “A” to the Protective Order from Rebecca L. Wilson of the Division
October 26, 1999 Petition to Intervene from Magcorp
October 27, 1999 Petition to Intervene from the Utah Farm Bureau Federation
November 1, 1999  Petition to Intervene from the UIEC
November 1, 1999 Petition to Intervene from a Group of large Utah electric consumers
November 2, 1999 Appendix “A” to the Protective Order fromKelly A. Francone
November 3, 1999 Appendix “A” to the Protective Order from Mary Cleveland, Thomas Peel, Ken Powell, Neal Townsend, Lowell Alt, Mark Flandro, William (Artie) Powell, Wesley Huntsman, Carl Mower, Ron Burrup and Ric Campbell, all of the DPU, including a copy of Rebecca Wilson’s Appendix already in this Docket
November 10, 1999 Petition to Intervene from the Land and Water Fund of the Rockies
November 12, 1999 Proof of Publication of Scheduling Order
November 24, 1999 Petition to Intervene from the Utah Department of Natural Resources
December 1, 1999 Exhibit “A”’s for Margo Hovingh, Anthony J. Yankel, John B. Legler, Cheryl Murray, Philip Hayet, Randall J. Falkenberg, Debora L. Clark, Michael L. Brosch, Steven C. Carver, James R. Dittmer and Kevin B. Cardwell, for the Committee of Consumer Services
December 3, 1999 Exhibit “A”’s to the Protective Order from Forrest E. Hill, Matthew S. Preston, and Robert M. Burmham, all representing the Committee
December 6, 1999 Exhibit “A”’s to the Protective Order from Daniel E. Gimble from the Committee
December 6, 1999 Notice of Technical Conference from the Division
December 30, 1999 Exhibit “A”’s to the Protective Order from Hugh Larkin, Jr., Christine A. Thill, Donna DeRonne, and Helmuth W. Schultz III, all representing the Committee
January 4, 2000 Order Granting Intervention
January 4, 2000 Exhibit “A” to the Protective Order from Nancy L. Kelly for the Committee
January 5, 2000 Data Request Directed to PacifiCorp from Salt Lake CAP and Crossroads, Put on Docket per request of Charles E. Johnson
January 7, 2000 Exhibit “A” to the Protective Order from Laura S. Linebarger of the Committee
January 10, 2000 Motion to Amend Schedule with attached Proposal
January 13, 2000 Memo from PacifiCorp Requesting Extension along with Extension for Final Decision 
January 14, 2000 Exhibit “A” to the Protective Order from Frank Caliendo, Representing the Division
January 19, 2000 Letter from concerned citizen, Mr. Paul W. Schwab, to the Commission
January 19, 2000 Amended Scheduling Order
January 28, 2000 Proof of Publication for Amended Scheduling Order
February 1, 2000 Motion of Large Customer Group for Additional Time to File Direct Testimony of McCullough Research
February 1, 2000 Affidavit of Robert McCullough in Support of Motion for Additional Time to File Direct Testimony
February 2, 2000 Notice of Hearing
February 3, 2000 Law & Motion Minutes Slip
February 4, 2000 Proprietary Versions of the Prefiled Direct Testimony of Hugh Larkin, Jr., Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Helmuth W. Schultz, III, Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Michael L. Brosch, Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Kevin B. Cardwell, all for the Committee [PROPRIETARY]
February 4, 2000 Redacted Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Michael L. Brosch for the Committee
February 4, 2000 Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Randall J. Falkenberg for the Committee
February 4, 2000 Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Kevin B. Cardwell for the Committee
February 4, 2000 Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Hugh Larkin, Jr., for the Committee
February 4, 2000 Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Helmuth W. Schultz, III, for the Committee
February 4, 2000 Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Donna Deronne for the Committee
April 28, 2000 Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of John B. Legler for the Committee
Exhibit CCS-4D: Table of Contents
Exhibit 4.1: Regulatory Participation (Quatro)
Exhibit 4.2: Value Line Electrics: Bond Ratings (Quatro)
Exhibit 4.3: Average Capitalization Ratios of A/A Rated Electrics (Quatro)
April 28, 2000 Initial Post-Hearing Brief of Salt Lake Community Action Program and Crossroads Urban Center
April 28, 2000 Memorandum of the Division of Public Utilities
April 28, 2000 Post-Hearing Memorandum of the Committee of Consumer Services
April 28, 2000 Cover Letter
Post-Hearing Brief of UIEC
April 28, 2000 PacifiCorp’s Post-Hearing Brief
Table of Contents
April 28, 2000 Closing Brief of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation
April 28, 2000 Post-Hearing Brief of the Large Customer Group
May 3, 2000 Correspondence from Lee R. Brown on Behalf of Magcorp
May 24, 2000 Press Release for the Report and Order (See Below)
May 24, 2000 Report and Order
June 1, 2000 Erratum Order
June 13, 2000 Correspondence from Jack L. Gross of Cedar Valley Acres Property Owners Association
June 13, 2000 Request for Reconsideration for CCS
June 13, 2000 Petition of PacifiCorp for Reconsideration of Report and Order
June 13, 2000 Correspondence from Spencer F. Hatch/Dell F. Hatch
June 23, 2000 Response of UIEC to PacifiCorp’s Petition for Reconsideration
June 23, 2000 Response of the Committee of Consumer Services to Petition of PacifiCorp for Reconsideration
June 23, 2000 Memo of PacifiCorp in Opposition to the Request for Reconsideration of the Committee of Consumer Services
June 23, 2000 Memo of Large Customer Group in Opposition to PacifiCorp’s Petition for Reconsideration
July 3, 2000 Order Granting Reconsideration
July 18, 2000 Comments from DPU – Lifeline Rate Program
Joint Stipulation on Pacificorp’s Lifeline Rate
July 20, 2000 Comments from DPU – Lifeline Rate (REVISED)
Joint Stipulation on Pacificorp’s Lifeline Rate (REVISED) [STARTED NEW DOCKET 00-035-09]
August 1, 2000 Correspondence from Carole Rockney (Pacificorp) Re: Dell Hatch’s Petition for Reconsideration
August 16, 2000 Correspondence from Dell Hatch
August 31, 2000 Comments from DPU
October 6, 2000 Order on Reconsideration
October 6, 2000 Correspondence from George D. Melling, Jr.
November 8, 2000 Memo from the Commission to PacifiCorp, Re: Timeliness of Studies
November 16, 2000 Letter from PacifiCorp to the Commission, Re: Line Extension Tariff Approved in this Docket
November 30, 2000 Memo from DPU
December 5, 2000 Correspondence from Carole Rockney
December 20, 2000 Correspondence from Jeff Burks – Request for Extension
December 22, 2000 Memo from DPU
June 1, 2001 Report of the Energy Efficiency Advisory Group to the Public Service Commission
October 23, 2001 CC Memo from the DPU to D. Douglas Larson
May 27, 2003 Comments from DPU
September 8, 2003 Copy of PacifiCorp’s Weather Normalization Study
October 3, 2003 Nonresidential Line Extensions
October 15, 2003 Correspondence from F. Robert Reeder
October 21, 2003 Action Request
October 27, 2003 Correspondence from F. Robert Reeder
October 29, 2003 Comments from DPU
November 3, 2003 Correspondence from Commission
May 20, 2004 Comments from DPU
March 9, 2005 Notice of Scheduling Conference
March 29, 2005 Amended Notice of Scheduling Conference

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