Docket No: 04-035-20
Docket Year: 2004
PacifiCorp, dba Utah Power and Light
Docket Index
Docket Number: 04-035-20
In the Matter of: PacifiCorp, dba Utah Power and Light, Co., vs. US Magnesium LLC – Complaint
For questions regarding documents not linked call 801-530-6714
Date |
Description |
April 5, 2004 |
Request for Agency Action |
April 6, 2004 |
Action Request, Due: ASAP |
May 5, 2004 |
Response and Opposition of US Magnesium LLC to PacifiCorp’s Request for Agency Action |
May 13, 2004 |
Comments from DPU |
May 25, 2004 |
Notice of Scheduling and Technical Conference |
July 8, 2004 |
Scheduling Order |
July 14, 2004 |
Amended Notice of Technical Conference |
July 22, 2004 |
Direct Testimony of Glenn Brooks |
July 27, 2004 |
Amended Direct Testimony of Glenn Brooks
July 29, 2004 |
Motion for Protective Order |
August 2, 2004 |
Protective Order |
August 2, 2004 |
Appendix A, Re: David Elmont |
August 4, 2004 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony of Roger Swenson
Exhibit A – DPU Memo
Exhibit B – USM Exhibit 1.1 – Attachment A
USM Summer 2003 Interruption Report
Exhibit C – Attachment B – USM Summer 2003 Interruption Report
Exhibit D – Interruptible Rate Determined in DPU US Magnesium Interruption Report
Exhibit E
Exhibit F
Exhibit G |
August 6, 2004 |
Second Scheduling Order |
August 11, 2004 |
Appendix A, Re: Cheryl Murray |
September 1, 2004 |
Appendix A, Re: Gary Dodge, Roger Swenson, and Lee Brown |
October 5, 2004 |
Third Scheduling Order |
October 13, 2004 |
Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of Lee Brown
Exhibit A |
October 13, 2004 |
Pre-Filed Supplemental Testimony of Roger Swenson
Exhibit A |
October 19, 2004 |
Supplemental Direct Testimony of Glenn Brooks |
October 28, 2004 |
Direct Testimony of David Thompson |
November 1, 2004 |
Amended Notice of Hearing |
November 5, 2004 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Roger Swenson
Exhibit A |
November 5, 2004 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Lee Brown
November 17, 2004 |
Notice of Hearing |
November 18, 2004 |
Amended Notice of Hearing |
November 24, 2004 |
Power Purchase Agreement |
November 24, 2004 |
Electric Service Agreement |
January 26, 2005 |
Stipulated Motion for Voluntary Dismissal |
February 10, 2005 |
Order on Stipulated Motion for Voluntary Dismissal |
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