Docket No: 02-035-04
PacifiCorp – Inter-Jurisdictional Issues
Docket Number: 02-035-04
In the Matter of: the Application of PacifiCorp for an Investigation of Inter-Jurisdictional Issues
For questions regarding documents that are not linked call (801) 530-6714
Date | Description |
February 3, 2012 | Report and Order |
November 28, 2011 | Reporter’s Transcript Re: November 8, 2011 |
November 8, 2011 | Audio of Hearing Approval of Stipulation |
October 25, 2011 | Cover Letter Notice of Appearance of Attorney Licensed in a Foreign State |
Sept 19, 2011 | Amended Notice of Hearing |
Sept 1, 2011 | Cover Letter Certificate of Service Rebuttal Testimony of Andrea L. Kelly |
August 25, 2011 | Notice of Hearing |
August 18, 2011 | Cover Letter Certificate of Service Testimony of Andrea L. Kelly |
August 18, 2011 | Prefiled Direct Testimony of Neal Townsend in Support of MSP Settlement Agreement |
August 18, 2011 | UIEC’s Comments on Agreement Pertaining to PacifiCorp’s September 15, 2010 Application for Approval of Amendments to Revised Protocol Allocation Methodology |
August 18, 2011 | Direct Testimony of Michele Beck for OCS Certificate of Service |
August 18, 2011 | Redacted Direct Testimony of Artie Powell, PhD for DPU Certificate of Service Exhibit A – 2004 Revised Protocol Forecast Exhibit B – 2010 Revised Protocol Forecast |
August 1, 2011 | Scheduling Order |
July 18, 2011 | Notice of Scheduling Conference |
June 27, 2011 | Cover Letter Agreement Pertaining to PacifiCorp’s 9/ 15/10 Application for Approval of Amendments to Revised Protocol Allocation Methodology Exhibit A -Allocation Factors Used in the Revised Protocol and 2010 Protocol Exhibit B – Allocation Factors Algebraic Derivations Certificate of Service |
May 19, 2011 | Appendix A Re: Gary A. Dodge |
May 19, 2011 | Appendix A Re: Kevin C. Higgins, Kelly Francone, Olivia Smith, and Neal Townsend |
March 2, 2011 | Cover Letter Certificate of Service Errata Sheet to Exhibit RMP__(ALK-1) Appendices A, B, and C Accompanying the Direct Testimony of Andrea L. Kelly Exhibit A |
February 22, 2011 | Order Postponing Indefinitely the Filing Dates, Scheduling Conference and Hearing |
February 9, 2011 | Notice of Technical Conference |
January 20, 2011 | Amended Notice of Hearing |
November 23, 2010 | Order Granting Intervention |
November 3, 2010 | Petition to Intervene of Nucor Steel-Utah, a Division of Nucor Corporation |
November 2, 2010 | Indication of Participation of the Utah Industrial Energy Consumers in the Newly Filed Portion of this Docket |
November 2, 2010 | UAE’s Notice of Intent to Participate |
October 28, 2010 | Appendix A Re: F. Robert Reeder, Maurice Brubaker and Brian Collins |
October 14, 2010 | Scheduling Order |
Sept 29, 2010 | Notice of Scheduling Conference |
Sept 16, 2010 | Comments from DPU |
Sept 15, 2010 | Cover Letter Certificate of Service Application for Approval of Amendments to Revised Protocol Allocation Methodology Exhibit A: Confidential Information Certificate Direct Testimony of Andrea L. Kelly Direct Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Direct Testimony of Gregory N. Duvall |
May 17, 2010 | Appendix A Re: F. Robert Reeder, Vicki M. Baldwin, Maurice Brubaker, Brian Collins, and Sharon Kuse |
Sept 30, 2009 | Appendix A: Kelly Francone |
Sept 17, 2009 | Appendix A: Steven S. Michel |
Sept 17, 2009 | Email Correspondence between James Curtis & Becky Wilson |
April 13, 2006 | Correspondence from Pacificorp, Re: Addendum 1 to Pacificorp’s Load Growth Report Exhibit A: Addendum 1 Exhibit B: Certificate of Service |
Jan 24, 2006 | Appendix A, re: Dan Gimble, Paul Proctor, Phil Hayet, and Leslie Reberg |
Oct 20, 2005 | PacifiCorp’s Load Growth Report Exhibit A |
Sept 9, 2005 | Appendix A, Re: Justin Farr |
July 6, 2005 | Appendix A, Re: Gary Dodge, Neal Townsend, and Kevin Higgins |
May 31, 2005 | Letter from PacifiCorp |
May 27, 2005 | Letter from PacifiCorp |
April 6, 2005 | Formal Notification |
Dec 14, 2004 | Report and Order Exhibit A – Stipulation Exhibit B – MSP Stipulation – Revised Exhibit C – MSP Forecast of Percent Change in Utah Revenue Requirements |
Sept 7, 2004 | UAE’s Response and Objection to the Utah CCS Petition for Leave to File a Post Hearing Response and Response |
Sept 7, 2004 | PacifiCorp’s Response to Committee Petition for Leave to File a Post-Hearing Response |
August 18, 2004 | Utah CCS Petition for Leave to File a Post-Hearing Response and Response |
July 16, 2004 | Direct Testimony of Nancy Kelly Exhibit 1.1 Exhibit 1.2 Exhibit 1.3 Exhibit 1.4 Exhibit 1.5 Exhibit 1.6 Exhibit 1.7 Exhibit 1.14 |
July 15, 2004 | Testimony of Kevin C. Higgins on Behalf of the UAE Intervention Group |
July 15, 2004 | Appendix A, Re: Alice Napoleon and Philip Hayet |
July 15, 2004 | Direct Prefiled Testimony of George Compton Exhibit A Exhibit B |
July 15, 2004 | Direct Prefiled Testimony of Ron Burrup Exhibit A |
July 8, 2004 | Andrea Kelly’s Second Supplemental Direct Testimony |
July 8, 2004 | Eighth Scheduling Order |
July 6, 2004 | Seventh Scheduling Order |
June 28, 2004 | Stipulation Exhibit A Exhibit A1 Exhibit A2 Exhibit A3 Exhibit B Exhibit B1 Exhibit C |
June 23, 2004 | Letter from Reed Warnick |
June 21, 2004 | Correspondence from Shayla Sheperd |
June 1, 2004 | Sixth Scheduling Order |
May 21, 2004 | Supplemental Testimony and Exhibits Andrea Kelly Testimony Greg Duvall Testimony Dave L. Taylor Testimony |
May 13, 2004 | Erratum Notice of Settlement Conference |
May 12, 2004 | Notice of Settlement Conference |
May 12, 2004 | Appendix A, Re: Douglas Stipes |
May 7, 2004 | Fifth Scheduling Order |
April 26, 2004 | Fourth Scheduling Order |
April 12, 2004 | Notice of Additional Technical Conferences |
April 8, 2004 | Notice of Additional Technical Conferences |
March 26, 2004 | Amended Notice of Technical Conference |
March 25, 2004 | Notice of Additional Technical Conference |
March 8, 2004 | Issues and Alternative Proposals from CCS |
March 5, 2004 | Issues and Alternative Proposals from DPU Exhibit A- MSP – The Percentage Amount by Which the Two Jurisdictions’ Annual Revenue Requirements Would be Increased (Decreased) by Adopting the Indicated Allocations Approach |
March 5, 2004 | UAE Issue Paper |
March 5, 2004 | Issue List of Western Resource Advocates |
March 1, 2004 | Amended Procedural Order |
February 13, 2004 | Request for Change in Procedural Schedule |
February 25, 2004 | Second Procedural Order Third Scheduling Order and Fourth Order Setting Additional Technical Conferences |
February 13, 2004 | Order Granting Intervention to WRA |
February 13, 2004 | Petition for Leave to Intervene of WRA |
February 4, 2004 | Third Order Setting Additional Technical Conferences |
January 26, 2004 | Erratum Second Order Setting Additional Technical Conferences |
January 16, 2004 | Second Order Setting Additional Technical Conferences |
January 6, 2004 | Order Setting Additional Technical Conference |
January 5, 2004 | Memo from DPU |
Dec 22, 2003 | Procedural and Third Scheduling Order |
Dec 19, 2003 | Appendix A, RE: William J. Evans |
December 1, 2003 | USEA’s Preliminary Issues List |
Nov 24, 2003 | Comments from DPU |
Nov 21, 2003 | UIEC’s Response to Pacificorp’s Comments on Legal Form of the Proceeding |
Nov 21, 2003 | UAE Reply to Pacificorp’s Comments on Legal Form of Proceeding and Preliminary Issue List |
Nov 21, 2003 | Response of Utah Committee of Consumer Services to PacifiCorp Comments on Legal Form of Proceeding |
Nov 21, 2003 | DPU’s Response Concerning Pacificorp’s Comments on Legal Form of Proceeding |
Nov 13, 2003 | Second Scheduling Order |
Nov 7, 2003 | PacifiCorp’s Comments on Legal Form of Proceeding |
October 31, 2003 | Appendix A, Re: Irene Rees |
October 7, 2003 | Notice of Scheduling Conference |
Sept 30, 2003 | Motion of PacifiCorp for Ratification of Inter-Jurisdictional Cost Allocation Protocol |
August 1, 2003 | Appendix A, Re: Richard Anderson |
June 26, 2003 | Appendix A, Re: Laura S. Nelson |
June 10, 2003 | Appendix A, Re: Robert C. Cottrell, Jr. |
June 6, 2003 | Appendix A, Re: Judith Johnson |
June 5, 2003 | Appendix A, Re: Ron Burrup |
June 5, 2003 | Appendix A, Re: Dan Gimble |
Sept 20, 2002 | Appendix A: Jeffrey V. Fox, Betsey Wolf, Michael Ginsberg, and George Compton |
Sept 16, 2003 | Appendix A: Gary A. Dodge, Neal Townsend, Richard M. Anderson, Kevin C. Higgins |
Sept 6, 2002 | Appendix A: Nancy L. Kelly |
May 29, 2002 | Appendix A: Issam Belmona, Joseph A. Herz, P.E., Donald E. Gruenemeyer, P.E., Sherri S. Leary, Cathy A, Hocanson |
May 22, 2002 | Appendix A: Susan C. Geller, Paul Chernick, Bruce Bierwald, Paul R. Peterson, Donna DeRoone, Hugh Larkin Jr., Philip Hayet, Anthony J, Yankel |
May 21, 2002 | Meeting Pack for May 29th and 30th 2002 |
May 20, 2002 | Appendix A: Isaam Belmona |
May 17, 2002 | Appendix A: Kelly Francone |
May 17, 2002 | Appendix A: Cheryl Murray |
May 14, 2002 | Memo from Wyoming Consumer Advocate Staff Exhibit A |
May 14, 2002 | Protective Order |
April 24, 2002 | Motion for Entry of Protective Order Protective Order |
April 3, 2002 | Order Suspending Schedule – See Docket No. 00-035-15 |
April 3, 2002 | Order on PacifiCorp’s Application to Initiate Investigation of Inter-Jurisdictional Issues |
April 3, 2002 | Response of the Division of Public Utilities to the Nomination of Special Mast |
April 2, 2002 | Comments from CCS |
March 26, 2002 | Draft Order from DPU |
March 22, 2002 | Comments from DPU |
March 18, 2002 | Pacificorp’s Application to Initiate Investigation of Inter-jurisdictional Issues and Nomination of Special Master Exhibit A |
March 12, 2002 | Erratum Notice of PacifiCorp’s Application to Initiate Investigation of Inter-Jurisdictional Issues and Invitation to Participate |
March 11, 2002 | Notice of PacifiCorp’s Application to Initiate Investigation of Inter-Jurisdictional Issues and Invitation to Participate |
March 6, 2002 | Action Request |
March 5, 2002 | PacifiCorp’s Application to Initiate Investigation of Inter-Jurisdictional Issues Proposed Order A Proposed Order B |
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