November 2015 Filing Log

The documents are listed by date, docket number(s), (number of copies filed),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description

Entries highlighted in yellow are PROPRIETARY filings

November 2015
11/2/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR ENTERPRISE SOLAR, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/2/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR ESCALANTE SOLAR I, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/2/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR ESCALANTE SOLAR II, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/2/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR ESCALANTE SOLAR III, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/2/2015 13-049-15
(1) QWEST UTAH PAP COMPLIANCE FILING In the Matter of CenturyLink’s Petition for Review and Modification of its Performance Assurance Plan and Performance Indicator Definitions Consistent with the Colorado Settlement [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBITS]
11/2/2015 15-035-48
(11) RMP ANNUAL DSM NOV 1ST DEFERRED ACCOUNT AND FORECAST REPORTING In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Semi-Annual Demand-Side Management (DSM) Forecast Reports
11/2/2015 15-031-T04
(6) TARIFF In the Matter of Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.’s Revisions to Rule 1
11/2/2015 15-041-02
(1) FORMAL COMPLAINT OF WYNDEE HANSEN, dba HOLE N’ THE ROCK INC. AGAINST FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Wyndee Hansen, dba Hole N’ the Rock Inc. against Frontier Communications
11/2/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 30, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/2/2015 15-041-01
(3) ENTRY OF APPEARANCE In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Susan Hilliard against Frontier Communications
11/2/2015 15-041-01
(3) RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO DISMISS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEND COMPLAINT In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Susan Hilliard against Frontier Communications
11/2/2015 15-999-12
11/3/2015 15-053-01
(3) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DAVID BREVITZ FOR OCS In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/3/2015 15-999-01
(3) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF AFFILITATE TRANSACTION WITH BHE In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/3/2015 15-057-10
(8) QUESTAR GAS SUBMISSION OF SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
11/3/2015 15-035-58
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s CY 2014 Affiliated Interest Report
11/3/2015 15-053-01
(3) TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS DUNCAN MEREDITH FOR URTA In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/3/2015 15-053-01
(3) TESTIMONY OF BRUCE TODD FOR STRATA NETWORKS In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/3/2015 15-053-01
(0) REDACTED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF KARL SEARLE FOR STRATA NETWORKS In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/3/2015 15-053-01
(3) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF KARL SEARLE FOR STRATA NETWORKS In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/3/2015 15-053-01
(0) REDACTED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS DUNCAN MEREDITH FOR STRATA NETWORKS In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/3/2015 15-053-01
(3) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS DUNCAN MEREDITH FOR STRATA NETWORKS In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/3/2015 15-035-75
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC (Refinery)
11/3/2015 15-035-75
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC (Refinery)
11/3/2015 15-035-76
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC (Smelter)
11/3/2015 15-035-76
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC (Smelter)
11/3/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FERC FORM 556 – UTAH RED HILLS RENEWABLE PARK, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/4/2015 15-035-79
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Notice of IRS Application for Automatic Accounting Change
11/4/2015 15-999-02
(1) QGC NOTICE OF DIVIDEND In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2015
11/4/2015 15-035-50
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/4/2015 15-035-50
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/4/2015 15-031-T04
(11) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.’s Revisions to Rule 1
11/4/2015 15-035-81
(11) RMP APPLICATION FOR ESA BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND NUCOR CORPORATION In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Electric Service Agreement between Rocky PacifiCorp [sic] and Nucor Corporation [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
11/5/2015 15-041-02
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Wyndee Hansen, dba Hole N’ the Rock, Inc. against Frontier Communications
11/5/2015 15-2580-02
(1) NOTIFICATION REGARDING THE ACQUISITION OF X5OPCO LLC OF NOVATEL LTD., INC. ASSETS In the Matter of In the Matter of the Joint Application of X5 Solutions, Inc. and X5 OpCo LLC for Approval of Asset and Customer Transfer Transaction
11/5/2015 15-2301-P08
(1) PRICE LIST Re: SBC Long Distance, LLC, d/b/a SBC Long Distance, d/b/a AT&T Long Distance – The purpose of this filing is to add discontinuance/withdrawal language to multiple operator service billing options and/or call completion types.
11/5/2015 15-053-01
(3) STRATA NETWORKS’ REPLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON DEPRECIATION METHOD In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/5/2015 15-053-01
(3) SEPARATE FILING OF KARL SEARLE REBUTTAL TESTIMONY (filed 11/3/2015) EXHIBITS In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBITS]
11/5/2015 15-053-01
(3) EXHIBIT LIST TO REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS MEREDITH (filed 11/3/2015) In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/6/2015 15-035-04
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM NOVEMBER 5, 2015 In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2015 Integrated Resource Plan
11/6/2015 15-035-61
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Subscriber Solar Program (Schedule 73)
11/9/2015 15-2584-01
(3) LOCAL ACCESS LLC APPLICATION FOR CPCN In the Matter of the Application of Local Access LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange and Access Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
11/9/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM NOVEMBER 6, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program

(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Dell and Luceal Ellertson against Questar Gas Company
11/10/2015 15-999-07
(0) COURTESY COPY, FORM 481 FILING – QWEST CORP UTAH In the Matter of the 2015 Universal Service Fund (USF) CAF ICC Review
11/10/2015 15-999-03
(1) COURTESY COPY, SECTION 63.71 APPLICATION – NEW GLOBAL TELECOM, INC. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2015
11/12/2015 15-035-82
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER APPLICATION FOR POLE ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT WITH TDS BAJA BROADBAND In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a Pole Attachment Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and TDS Baja Broadband
11/12/2015 15-035-78
(11) RMP PETITION TO WITHDRAW In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Sigurd Solar LLC
11/12/2015 15-035-70
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 10, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
11/12/2015 15-999-02
(0) COURTESY COPY, CIG’S MOTION TO INTERVENE IN RP16-137-000, TALLGRASS INTERSTATE GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2015
11/13/2015 15-041-01
(3) FRONTIER’S REPLY TO COMPAINANT’S RESPONSE In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Susan Hilliard against Frontier Communications
11/13/2015 15-2431-01, 15-2452-02, 15-2474-01
(3) JOINT APPLICATION In the Matter of the Joint Application of Garrison TNCI LLC, TNCI Operating Company LLC, Impact Telecom, Inc. and Matrix Telecom, Inc. for Approval of the Proposed Transfer of Indirect Control of Matrix Telecom, Inc. to Garrison TNCI LLC and Related Transactions
11/13/2015 15-057-16
(5) INITIAL COMMENTS FROM SLC CORPORATION, UCE, STATE OF UTAH DIVISION OF CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND MANAGEMENT, SLC SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND BOMA UTAH In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2016 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/13/2015 15-057-16
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2016 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/13/2015 15-057-16
(8) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2016 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/13/2015 15-2302-01
(3) DIVISION RESPONSE TO PETITION FOR REVIEW AND CLARIFICATION In the Matter of the Application of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc. for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/13/2015 15-057-15
(7) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY’S ANSWER AND MOTION TO DISMISS In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Dell and Luceal Ellertson against Questar Gas Company
11/13/2015 15-057-15
(7) CONFIDENTIAL VERSION OF QUESTAR GAS COMPANY’S ANSWER AND MOTION TO DISMISS In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Dell and Luceal Ellertson against Questar Gas Company
11/16/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM NOVEMBER 13, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/16/2015 15-999-02
(1) QGC AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION OF DIVIDEND DECLARATION In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2015
11/16/2015 15-057-19
(8) QUESTAR REPLACEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE 2016 ANNUAL PLAN AND BUDGET In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Replacement Infrastructure 2016 Annual Plan and Budget
11/17/2015 15-999-05
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Lifeline Outreach Reports [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) REDACTED SURREBUTTAL REVENUE REQUIREMENT TESTIMONY OF BION C. OSTRANDER FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) SURREBUTTAL REVENUE REQUIREMENT TESTIMONY OF BION C. OSTRANDER FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) REDACTED SURREBUTTAL REVENUE REQUIREMENT TESTIMONY OF DAVID BREVITZ FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) SURREBUTTAL REVENUE REQUIREMENT TESTIMONY OF DAVID BREVITZ FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MICHELE BECK FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CASEY J. COLEMAN FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) REDACTED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM DUNCAN FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM DUNCAN FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF PAUL A. HICKEN FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) REDACTED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF SHAUNA BENVEGNU-SPRINGER FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/17/2015 15-053-01
(3) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF SHAUNA BENVEGNU-SPRINGER FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/18/2015 15-999-03
(0) CENTURYLINK PUC REPORT NO. UT.111615.003 In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2015
11/18/2015 15-2581-P02
(1) PRICE LIST Re: Clear Rate Communications, Inc. – Local Exchange Telephone Services Price List for Clear Rate Communications, Inc.
11/18/2015 15-999-01
(3) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF AFFILIATE TRANSACTION WITH BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/18/2015 15-999-01
(3) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF AFFILIATE TRANSACTION WITH MARMON UTILITY LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/18/2015 15-999-02
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2015
11/18/2015 14-098-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: GUY RAWSON In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
11/18/2015 14-098-01
(1) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF GUY RAWSON, PRESIDENT, HIDDEN CREEK HOA In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
11/18/2015 15-098-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: GUY RAWSON In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of General Rate Increase
11/18/2015 15-098-01
(1) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF GUY RAWSON, PRESIDENT, HIDDEN CREEK HOA In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of General Rate Increase
11/18/2015 15-2580-02
(1) NOTIFICATION RE: THE ACQUISITION BY X5 OPCO LLC OF CERTAIN NOVATEL LTD., INC. ASSETS In the Matter of In the Matter of the Joint Application of X5 Solutions, Inc. and X5 OpCo LLC for Approval of Asset and Customer Transfer Transaction
11/18/2015 15-035-69
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
11/18/2015 15-053-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: KIRA M. SLAWSON AND DARREN L. WOOLSEY In the Matter of the Application of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. dba STRATA Networks for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/19/2015 15-035-70
(1) REDACTED REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 10, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
11/19/2015 15-035-70
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 10, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
11/19/2015 14-035-114
(1) UCARE SOLAR UPDATE In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/19/2015 15-035-69
(2) UAE PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
11/19/2015 15-035-69
(11) COMMENTS FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
11/19/2015 15-035-69
(11) COMMENTS OF UCE AND SWEEP In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
11/19/2015 15-035-69
(2) SWEEP PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
11/19/2015 15-035-69
(2) UCE PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
11/19/2015 15-035-69
(11) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
11/19/2015 15-035-04
(1) COMMENTS FROM DR. ERIC W. YOUNG In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2015 Integrated Resource Plan
11/20/2015 15-087-P17
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Corp – This filing will add language describing the Anonymous Call Rejection (“ACR”) feature.
11/20/2015 15-999-03
(1) COURTESY COPY, SECTION 63.71 FILING – MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. d/b/a VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES AND TTI NATIONAL CALLING CARD In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2015
11/23/2015 15-035-63
(11) RMP COMMENTS In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2015 Smart Grid Monitoring Report
11/23/2015 15-999-01
(11) RMP HOURLY QF PURCHASES – FOURTH QUARTER 2014 In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/23/2015 15-2431-01, 15-2474-01, and 15-2452-02
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Joint Application of Garrison TNCI LLC, TNCI Operating Company LLC (15-2431-01), Impact Telecom, Inc. (15-2474-01), and Matrix Telecom, Inc. (15- 2452-02), for Approval of the Proposed Transfer of Indirect Control of Matrix Telecom, Inc. to Garrison TNCI LLC and Related Transactions
11/23/2015 15-2208-P04
(9) PRICE LIST Re: XO Communications Services, LLC – This filing increases monthly recurring charges of several Category One products including Small Business Basic Business Lines, Business Services Basic Business Lines, Business Services Basic Business Lines, Remote Call Forwarding, XO Long Distance Business Plans, XOptions packages, Centrex, Switched Digital T-1 Service, Toll Free Per Number Charge, and ISDN-PRI. This revision also grandfathers current PS/ALI pricing and introduces pricing for new customers.
11/23/2015 15-035-T15
(6) TARIFF In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 193, Demand Side Management (DSM) Cost Adjustment
11/23/2015 15-2302-01
(2) CARBON/EMERY TELCOM, INC’S REPLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR REVIEW AND CLARIFICATION In the Matter of the Application of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc. for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
11/23/2015 15-035-63
(3) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2015 Smart Grid Monitoring Report
11/23/2015 15-057-17 and 15-057-18
(8) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment; In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Demand Side Management/Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance
11/23/2015 15-057-T06
(5) TARIFF In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Filing to Comply with the Commission Order Issued on November 9, 2015 in Docket No. 14-057-31, Application of Questar Gas Company to Make Tariff Modifications to Charge Transportation Customers for Use of Supplier-Non-Gas Services
11/23/2015 15-035-77
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC
11/23/2015 15-035-77
(11) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC
11/23/2015 15-035-63
(11) COMMENTS FROM UTAH CLEAN ENERGY In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2015 Smart Grid Monitoring Report
11/23/2015 15-057-07
(1) CORRESPONDENCE FROM BARRIE L. MCKAY In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for Plan Year: June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016
11/24/2015 15-035-T16
(6) TARIFF In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Request to Cancel Electric Service Schedule No. 71, Energy Exchange Program Rider
11/24/2015 15-035-51
(11) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports 2015
11/24/2015 15-057-16
(8) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY’S REPLY COMMENTS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2016 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/24/2015 15-999-01
(11) RMP HOURLY QF PURCHASES – FIRST QUARTER 2015 In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/24/2015 15-999-01
(11) RMP HOURLY QF PURCHASES – SECOND QUARTER 2015 In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/24/2015 15-999-01
(11) RMP HOURLY QF PURCHASES – THIRD QUARTER 2015 In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
11/24/2015 15-999-02
(0) COURTESY COPY, CIG’S QUARTERLY LUF FILING In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2015
11/24/2015 14-057-25
(1) QGC REPORT ON DSM EXPENDITURES TO DATE In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2015 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/25/2015 15-057-18
(8) QGC’S REPLY COMMENTS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Demand Side Management/Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance
11/25/2015 15-057-10
(1) REDACTED REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE NOVEMBER 6, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
11/25/2015 15-057-10
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE NOVEMBER 6, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
11/30/2015 15-057-18
(8) QGC CORRECTED EXHIBIT 1.3, PAGE 2 In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Demand Side Management/Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance