January 2012 Filing Log

The documents are listed by date, docket number(s), (number of copies filed),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description

January 2012
1/3/2012 12-049-P01
(1) PRICE LIST Re: Qwest Corporation – Due to the discontinuance of manufacturer equipment to support programming specific to Home and Business Receptionist Service, Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC is including language in its Price List to indicate the functionality may no longer be available.
1/3/2012 12-049-P02
(1) PRICE LIST Re: Qwest Corporation – CenturyLink d/b/a Qwest QC is making this filing to reduce the Federal Low-Income Telephone Assistance Program Credit and the Tribal Lifeline credits for flat individual lines with EAS.
1/3/2012 11-035-173
(1) CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RE: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ORDERS  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Randy C. Wafford
1/3/2012 11-035-177
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RE: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ORDERS  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Juan E. and Maria Pena
1/3/2012 11-035-225
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RE: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ORDERS  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Daniel D. and Christina Whitmire
1/3/2012 11-035-228
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RE: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ORDERS  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Naoma Kern
1/3/2012 12-2476-P01
(3) PRICE LIST Re: Bresnan Broadband of Utah, LLC – The revisions correct minor typographical errors in Section 2.2.8(C), (D), and (F) on Pages 17.4 and 17.6, which discuss identification and rating of VoIP-PSTN traffic.
1/3/2012 11-035-T14
(6) REPLY OF UTAH CLEAN ENERGY, SOUTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT, AND WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES TO RESPONSIVE PLEADINGS Re: PacifiCorp – The purpose of this filing is to propose a reduction to the Schedule 193 (the “DSM Surcharge”) collection rate.
1/3/2012 12-999-01
(6)  NOTICE OF AFFILIATE TRANSACTION BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/4/2012 12-035-04
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Duane M. Devore
1/5/2012 12-035-T01
(3) TARIFF Re: PacifiCorp – In compliance to the December 21, 2011, Order in Docket No. 11-035-104, Rocky Mountain Power files these proposed tariff sheets associated with Tariff P.S.C.U No. 48 of PacifiCorp, d.b.a Rocky Mountain Power, applicable to electric service in the State of Utah.
1/5/2012 12-049-T01
(3) TARIFF Re: Qwest Corporation – This filing proposes the addition of tariff language for implementation of the intercarrier compensation regime for certain VoIP-PSTN traffic as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161).
1/5/2012 11-035-T14
(6) ERRATA TO REPLY COMMENTS OF UTAH CLEAN ENERGY, SOUTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT, AND WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES Re: PacifiCorp – The purpose of this filing is to propose a reduction to the Schedule 193 (the “DSM Surcharge”) collection rate.
1/5/2012 12-049-P03
(1) PRICE LIST Re: Qwest Corporation – Qwest, d/b/a CenturyLink QC is filing a revision to Core Connect to revise the minimum bill period.
1/5/2012 08-999-05
(1)  APPENDIX A RE: SOPHIE HAYES, SARAH WRIGHT, AND KEVIN EMERSON  In the Matter of the Consideration of the Amendment of Title 16 U.S.C. 2621(d) and the Addition of Title 42 U.S.C. 6344 by the U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
1/5/2012 11-035-198
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Pole Attachment Agreement between PacifiCorp and First Digital Telecom LLC
1/5/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH WAR FAB, INC. AT BRIDGER COAL COMPANY  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/6/2012 12-2457-P01
(3) PRICE LIST Re: Metropolitan Telecommunications of Utah, Inc. d/b/a MetTel – The purpose of this filing is to comply with the Federal Communications Commission in its Report and Order in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc., FCC Release No. 11-161 issued November 18, 2011.
1/6/2012 11-2544-01
(6)  PETITION TO INTERVENE OF UTAH RURAL TELECOM ASSOCIATION (URTA)  In the Matter of the Petition of US Connect LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Utah
1/6/2012 11-2545-01
(6)  PETITION TO INTERVENE OF UTAH RURAL TELECOM ASSOCIATION (URTA)  In the Matter of the Application of Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Local Exchange Services within the State of Utah
1/6/2012 11-035-73
(6)  ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S FINAL DRAFT RFP  In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, by and through its Rocky Mountain Power Division, for Approval of a Solicitation Process for an All-Source Resource for the 2016 Time Period
1/9/2012 12-035-01
(1)  FORMAL COMPLAINT  In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Ursel Riggs against Rocky Mountain Power
1/9/2012 11-041-T08
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah d/b/a Frontier Communications of Utah – The purpose of this filing is to introduce Identification and Rating of VolP-PSTN Traffic.
1/9/2012 12-049-T01
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: Qwest Corporation – This filing proposes the addition of tariff language for implementation of the intercarrier compensation regime for certain VoIP-PSTN traffic as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission’s November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc. (FCC 11-161).
1/9/2012 11-999-04
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the 2011 Lifeline, Universal Service and Speech/Hearing-Impaired Funds Status
1/9/2012 11-2547-01
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Common Point LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Switched Access Service in the State of Utah
1/9/2012 11-2545-01
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Local Exchange Services within the State of Utah
1/9/2012 09-2511-01
(6)  SEMI-ANNUAL ETC REPORT  In the Matter of the Petition of TracFone Wireless, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Utah for the Limited Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service to Qualified Households
1/9/2012 12-035-05
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Delores A. Comerford and Robert M. Rodrigues
1/9/2012 12-035-06
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Brenda J. Lane
1/9/2012 12-035-07
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Daron J. and Kenna K. Breinholt
1/10/2012 11-057-15
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance and for Tariff Modification
1/10/2012 11-057-16
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
1/11/2012 11-035-199
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Joint Petition of Rocky Mountain Power and Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink for Approval of an Electronic Notification System for Pole Attachments
1/11/2012 10-035-57
(6)  SUPPLEMENTAL FILING FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Rocky Mountain Power Demand-Side Management 2010 Semi-Annual Forecast
1/11/2012 11-049-17
(1)  STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2011  In the Matter of the 2011 Qwest Performance Assurance Plan (QPAP)
1/11/2012 12-2445-01
(9)  JOINT APPLICATION  In the Matter of the Joint Application of NextG Networks of California, Inc., NextG Networks, Inc. and Crown Castle Solutions Corp. for Approval of a Transfer of Indirect Control of an Authorized Telecommunications Provider
1/11/2012 12-057-01
(1) FORMAL COMPLAINT In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Cathlin A. Peel against Questar Gas Company00
1/11/2012 12-057-T01
(7) TARIFF Re: Questar Gas Company – This filing is to comply with the Commission order in Docket No. 11-057-T06 dated December 29, 2011, In the Matter of the Questar Gas Company Updated Tariff Sheets filed in Compliance with Docket No. 11-057-08, Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah.
1/11/2012 11-035-T14
(6) JOINT MOTION FOR AN EXTENSION OF HEARING DATE Re: PacifiCorp – The purpose of this filing is to propose a reduction to the Schedule 193 (the “DSM Surcharge”) collection rate.
1/11/2012 12-035-08
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Charles Masters
1/11/2012 12-035-09
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Senitalela Wolfgramm
1/11/2012 12-035-10
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Maria Salinas
1/11/2012 12-035-11
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Carmen Robledo
1/12/2012 12-035-02
(1) FORMAL COMPLAINT In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Jeff J. Burt against Rocky Mountain Power
1/12/2012 12-031-T01
(1) TARIFF Re: Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. – Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. Revised the following two rules: Rule 2 Description of Service and Rule 24 Service Fees
1/12/2012 12-035-T01
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: PacifiCorp – In compliance to the December 21, 2011, Order in Docket No. 11-035-104, Rocky Mountain Power files these proposed tariff sheets associated with Tariff P.S.C.U No. 48 of PacifiCorp, d.b.a Rocky Mountain Power, applicable to electric service in the State of Utah.
1/12/2012 11-035-74
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Utah Demand-Side Management Annual Report for 2010
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL (GADSBY PLANT)  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH MCG ENERGY SOLUTIONS  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH SAP AMERICA  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH ORACLE SOFTWARE  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH PROGREEN LAWN & LANDSCAPE  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACTS WITH ALSTOM POWER, INC. AT NAUGHTON UNIT ONE  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH GROUND PIERCING, INC.  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH RIESTER MOUNTAIN, LLC  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL (NAUGHTON UNIT 1)  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH PIERCE OIL COMPANY  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH ALSTOM POWER, INC. AT NAUGHTON UNITS 1 & 2  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH VMWARE, INC.  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL (WINDCONTROL)  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH SARGENT & LUNDY LLC  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-999-01
(6)  RMP’S NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH HOMAX OIL SALES  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/12/2012 12-035-03
(6)  ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MAJOR EVENT REPORT  In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on December 1-2, 2011
1/13/2012 11-035-74
(6)  COMMENTS FROM OCS  In the Matter of the Utah Demand-Side Management Annual Report for 2010
1/13/2012 12-087-P01
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. – This filing introduces language to the Access Services and Network Interconnection Services tariff pursuant to the recently released FCC Order concerning VoIP-PSTN access.
1/13/2012 12-2211-P01
(1) PRICE LIST Re: TCG Utah – This filing introduces language to the Access and Interconnection tariff pursuant to the recently released FCC Order concerning VoIP-PSTN access.
1/13/2012 11-035-T14
(6) SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Re: PacifiCorp – The purpose of this filing is to propose a reduction to the Schedule 193 (the “DSM Surcharge”) collection rate.
1/13/2012 11-2544-01
(6)  DIRECT TESTIMONY OF BASSAM ABDALLAH  In the Matter of the Petition of US Connect LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Utah
1/13/2012 11-2305-01
(1)  REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: JANUARY 4, 2012  In the Matter of the Joint Application of UPH Holdings, Inc., UPH Acquisition Sub Inc., Pac-West Acquisition Company, LLC, and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. for Consent to Transfer Control of Pac-West Telecomm, Inc.
1/13/2012 12-035-12
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Alan and Amberlee Brewer
1/13/2012 12-035-13
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Daniel D. Forkner
1/13/2012 12-035-14
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Annette Birkinshaw
1/13/2012 12-035-15
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Nathaniel and Kathy Stoddard
1/17/2012 12-057-02
(6)  APPLICATION  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to Change its Existing Tariff by Removing the Commodity Amortization Rate
1/17/2012 11-2208-02
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Pro Forma Change in Ownership Involving XO Communications Services, LLC
1/17/2012 11-2423-02
(2)  REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND REHEARING OF REPORT AND ORDER  In the Matter of the Application of Cedar Ridge Distribution Company for an Increase in Rates
1/17/2012 11-035-200
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Notice of Rocky Mountain Power of Intent to File a General Rate Case
1/17/2012 11-2275-01 and 11-2277-01
(9)  CONSUMMATION NOTICE AND REQUEST TO CANCEL AUTHORITY  In the Matter of the Joint Application of DSLnet Communications, LLC and DIECA Communications, Inc. for Authority to Complete Certain Pro Forma Intra-Corporate Transactions
1/18/2012 12-2266-P01
(1) PRICE LIST Re: Level 3 Communications, LLC – Level 3’s Utah P.S.C. Tariff No. 1 has been revised to comply with the Federal Communications Commission’s 2011 Report and Order, FCC 11-161 (in Docket Nos. 07-135, 01-92 et al., released November 18, 2011) directing the filing of tariffs.
1/18/2012 11-2266-01
(1)  LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, INC. CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE FIDELITY OR SURETY BONDS/POLICIES  In the Matter of the Joint Application of Level 3 Communications, Inc., Apollo Amalgamation Sub, Ltd., Level 3 Communications, LLC, Broadwing Communications, LLC, WilTel Communications, LLC and Global Crossing North America, Inc., Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc., Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. for Approval of the Transfer of Control and Related Transactions
1/18/2012 12-035-16
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: David and Pamela K. Crosby
1/18/2012 12-035-17
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Sara Kirk
1/18/2012 12-035-18
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Curtis L. and Stephanie Cutshaw
1/18/2012 12-035-19
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Bonnie D. England
1/18/2012 12-035-20
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Ray B. and Sonia Cochran
1/19/2012 12-999-01
(1)  COMPLAINT FROM TERRIE SCHULTZ AGAINST HEBER LIGHT & POWER  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/19/2012 12-999-01
(1)  COMPLAINT FROM JOHN KNECHT AGAINST HEBER LIGHT & POWER  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/19/2012 12-999-01
(1)  COMPLAINT FROM KIMBERLY DALBY AGAINST HEBER LIGHT & POWER  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/19/2012 12-999-01
(1)  COMPLAINT FROM LISA F. TEIFKE AGAINST HEBER LIGHT & POWER  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/19/2012 11-035-232
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RE: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ORDERS  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Brenda West
1/19/2012 11-035-234
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RE: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ORDERS  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Jamie Bishop
1/19/2012 12-057-T01
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: Questar Gas Company – This filing is to comply with the Commission order in Docket No. 11-057-T06 dated December 29, 2011, In the Matter of the Questar Gas Company Updated Tariff Sheets filed in Compliance with Docket No. 11-057-08, Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah.
1/19/2012 12-057-02
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to Change its Existing Tariff by Removing the Commodity Amortization Rate
1/19/2012 12-999-01 Re: 05-035-54
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012 AND In the Matter of the Application of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company and PacifiCorp for an Order Authorizing MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company to Exercise Substantial Influence Over the Policies and Actions of PacifiCorp
1/20/2012 11-035-180
(8)  NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF COMPLAINT  In the Matter of the Complaint of Menlove-Johnson, Inc. Against Rocky Mountain Power for Refund
1/20/2012 11-035-180
(1)  APPENDIX A RE: GARY DODGE  In the Matter of the Complaint of Menlove-Johnson, Inc. Against Rocky Mountain Power for Refund
1/20/2012 12-2405-P01
(3) PRICE LIST Re: ACN Communication Services, Inc. – This filing grandfathers selected residential bundled services, introduces ACN Advantage Plus VII and ACN Advantage Unlimited VII and deletes references to calling cards, which are no longer offered by the Company.
1/20/2012 11-035-T10
(1) APPENDIX A RE: GARY A. DODGE Re: PacifiCorp – In the Matter of the Rocky Mountain Power Proposed Schedule 94, Energy Balancing Account (EBA) Pilot Program Tariff
1/23/2012 11-035-73
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, by and through its Rocky Mountain Power Division, for Approval of a Solicitation Process for an All-Source Resource for the 2016 Time Period
1/23/2012 11-035-73
(6)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, by and through its Rocky Mountain Power Division, for Approval of a Solicitation Process for an All-Source Resource for the 2016 Time Period
1/23/2012 12-2445-01
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Joint Application of NextG Networks of California, Inc., NextG Networks, Inc. and Crown Castle Solutions Corp. for Approval of a Transfer of Indirect Control of an Authorized Telecommunications Provider
1/23/2012 11-999-03
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM CORDIA COMMUNICATIONS CORP.  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2011
1/23/2012 12-999-01
(1)  COMPLAINT FROM DAVE KENNAMER AGAINST HEBER LIGHT AND POWER  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/23/2012 11-035-190
(1)  REQUEST FOR HEARING  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Paulette S. Lewis
1/23/2012 12-035-21
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Catrina M. Samora
1/23/2012 12-035-22
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Candy McNaught
1/23/2012 12-035-23
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Elizabeth Martens
1/23/2012 12-035-24
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Shalee Marie Lobato
1/23/2012 12-035-25
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Michael P. and Julie M. Berry
1/23/2012 12-035-26
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Alan B. and Shannon White
1/24/2012 12-2245-P01
(1) PRICE LIST Re: MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC – These tariff pages reflect Verizon Access’ decision to cease billing for ISP-bound traffic pursuant to this tariff, and such billing will occur only in instances where Verizon Access has an interconnection agreement or traffic termination agreement with the other carrier.
1/24/2012 12-035-27
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Maurlene W. Ables
1/24/2012 12-035-28
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Sharee L. Grimmett
1/24/2012 12-035-29
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Lana L. Holley
1/24/2012 12-035-30
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Amber Gregory
1/24/2012 12-035-31
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Jesse Lee Cornia
1/24/2012 12-035-32
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Fehoko M. Ikakoula
1/25/2012 12-035-33
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Amber A. Jarrett
1/25/2012 12-035-34
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Melvina Dryer
1/25/2012 12-049-01
(1)  INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT  In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Spectrotel, Inc.
1/25/2012 12-049-02
(1)  AMENDED INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT  In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and New Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC, and its Commercial Mobile Radio Service Operating Affiliates, d/b/a AT&T Mobility
1/25/2012 12-999-01
(6)  PACIFICORP’S DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/25/2012 12-2211-P02
(1) PRICE LIST Re: TCG Utah – This filing corrects a section number reference made on page 25.2 of TCG’s recent access tariff filing related to VoIP-PSTN traffic.
1/25/2012 12-2549-01
(6)  PETITION OF Q LINK WIRELESS LLC  In the Matter of the Petition of Q LINK WIRELESS LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Utah
1/26/2012 12-087-P02
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. – This filing increases selected rates for All In One Local Service.
1/26/2012 12-087-P03
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. – This filing withdraws Frame Relay and ATM Services from the price list as there are no existing subscribers.
1/26/2012 12-031-T01
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. – Mt. Wheeler Power Inc. Revised the following two rules: Rule 2 Description of Service and Rule 24 Service Fees
1/26/2012 00-035-T07
(6) QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE LOW INCOME LIFELINE PROGRAM FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 Re: PacifiCorp – In the Matter of Revision’s to PacifiCorp’s Tariff P.S.C.U. No. 43, Re: Addition of Schedules 3 and 91 for the Low Income Lifeline Program and Surcharge for Funding
1/26/2012 11-2548-01
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Petition of Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. for Authority to Compete as a Telecommunications Corporation and to Offer Public Local Exchange Telecommunications Services
1/27/2012 11-888-01
(7)  EX PARTE REPORT AND REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME  In the Matter of the Petition of Anderson Geneva, LLC, Ice Castle Retirement Fund L.L.C., and Anderson Geneva Development, Inc. for Relief against Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)
1/27/2012 12-049-02
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, and its Commercial Mobile Radio Service Operating Affiliates, d/b/a AT&T Mobility
1/27/2012 12-049-01
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Spectrotel, Inc.
1/27/2012 11-2544-01
(6)  PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE OF SALT LAKE COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM  In the Matter of the Petition of US Connect LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Utah
1/30/2012 12-057-T02
(6) TARIFF Re: Questar Gas Company – This filing is to comply with the Commission orders in Docket Nos. 12-057-02, dated January 25 and 26, 2012, Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to Change its Existing Tariff by Removing the Commodity Amortization Rate; 11-057-16, dated January 24, 2012, Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment; and 11-057-15, dated January 24, 2012, Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance and for Tariff Modification.
1/30/2012 11-2545-01
(6)  COMMENTS FROM OCS  In the Matter of the Application of Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Local Exchange Services within the State of Utah
1/30/2012 12-022-T01
(1) TARIFF Re: Bridger Valley Electric Association – The Bridger Valley Electric Board of Directors authorized a Rate change to recover increased wholesale power costs and to bring rates more in line with the cost of service.
1/31/2012 12-057-03
(1)  FORMAL COMPLAINT  In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Dwayne W. Meadows, Ph.D. against Questar Gas Company
1/31/2012 11-035-104
(6)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Investigation into Extending and Expanding the Solar Incentive Program and Possible Development of an Ongoing Program
1/31/2012 11-2195-01
(8)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of Hi-Country Estates Homeowners Association’s Request for Reassessment of the Commission’s Jurisdiction
1/31/2012 11-057-15 and 11-057-16
(1)  REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: JANUARY 19, 2012  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance and for Tariff Modification AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Include the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
1/31/2012 11-2035-01
(6)  REVISED VERSION OF PACIFICORP’S 2011 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN (“IRP”) ACTION PLAN  In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s 2011 Integrated Resource Plan
1/31/2012 11-035-200
(1)  APPENDIX A RE: RANDALL FALKENBERG AND LAUREN FALKENBERG  In the Matter of the Notice of Rocky Mountain Power of Intent to File a General Rate Case
1/31/2012 11-035-200
(1)  APPENDIX A RE: DONNA RAMAS, TINA MILLER, AND JOHN DEFEVER  In the Matter of the Notice of Rocky Mountain Power of Intent to File a General Rate Case
1/31/2012 11-035-T10
(1) APPENDIX A RE: OLIWIA SMITH, NEAL TOWNSEND, KEVIN C. HIGGINS, AND COURTNEY HIGGINS Re: PacifiCorp – In the Matter of the Rocky Mountain Power Proposed Schedule 94, Energy Balancing Account (EBA) Pilot Program Tariff
1/31/2012 11-035-200
(1)  APPENDIX A RE: DANIEL J. LAWTON AND PAUL J. WIELGUS  In the Matter of the Notice of Rocky Mountain Power of Intent to File a General Rate Case
1/31/2012 12-035-35
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Tommy Brewer
1/31/2012 12-035-36
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Cassie Wright
1/31/2012 12-035-37
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Boyd A. Yost
1/31/2012 12-035-38
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Linda Williams
1/31/2012 12-035-39
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Delbert J. and Eileen Blewett
1/31/2012 12-035-40
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: David L. and Karon Sue Duckworth
1/31/2012 12-035-41
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Clarke B. Lium
1/31/2012 12-035-42
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Joe Janusz
1/31/2012 12-035-43
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Jay J. Robb
1/31/2012 12-035-44
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Alesha Franklin
1/31/2012 12-035-45
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Rita Wetenkamp
1/31/2012 12-035-46
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Daniel R. and Sandra Cruz
1/31/2012 12-035-47
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Corin and Nadine Barker
1/31/2012 12-035-48
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: William Silvers
1/31/2012 12-035-49
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Richard W. and Janet H. Wessler
1/31/2012 12-035-50
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Matthew K. and Kaylene D. Harrison
1/31/2012 12-035-51
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Jeffrey L. and Chris Robinson
1/31/2012 12-035-52
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Jerry W. Price
1/31/2012 12-035-53
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Kevin C. Facemyer
1/31/2012 12-035-54
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Helen Shelly
1/31/2012 12-035-55
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Patricia G. Gonzalez
1/31/2012 12-035-56
(1)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Termination of Electric Service where Life Support Equipment is Used: Connie J. Herrera