October 2015 Filing Log

The documents are listed by date, docket number(s), (number of copies filed),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description

Entries highlighted in yellow are PROPRIETARY filings

October 2015
10/1/2015 15-999-01
(3) RMP NOTICE OF NON-COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT WITH SIRIUS COMPUTER SOLUTIONS INC. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/1/2015 15-999-01
(3) RMP NOTICE OF NON-COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL, INC. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/1/2015 15-999-01
(3) RMP NOTICE OF NON-COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT WITH PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS INC. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/1/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/1/2015 15-2450-01
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Preferred Long Distance Inc.’s Notice of Name Change and Initiation of iVoIP and CMRS
10/1/2015 15-2553-01
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless’ Notice of Increased Minutes
10/1/2015 10-2521-01
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
10/1/2015 15-035-53
(11) SUMMIT WIND POWER, LLC’S PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/1/2015 15-035-53
(11) SAGE GROUSE ENERGY PROJECT, LLC’S PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/1/2015 15-035-63
(11) RMP SUPPLEMENTAL FILING TO 2015 SMART GRID MONITORING REPORT In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2015 Smart Grid Monitoring Report [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
10/2/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 1, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/2/2015 15-2301-P07
(3) PRICE LIST Re: SBC Long Distance, LLC, d/b/a SBC Long Distance, d/b/a AT&T Long Distance – The purpose of this filing is to: (a) remove all references to calling card as service has been sunset and there are no remaining subscribers; and (b) remove High Volume Calling II month-to-month rate option as this option has been discontinued and there are no remaining subscribers.
10/2/2015 14-035-114
(1) APPENDIX A RE: THADEUS B. CULLEY FOR TASC In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/2/2015 15-035-61
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Subscriber Solar Program (Schedule 73)
10/2/2015 15-035-70
(11) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THREE PEAKS POWER, LLC In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
10/5/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 2, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/5/2015 15-2302-01
(3) DIVISION MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO CARBON/EMERY’S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGEMENT In the Matter of the Application of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc. for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/5/2015 15-2302-01
(3) OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION OF CARBON/EMERY TELCOM, INC’S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT In the Matter of the Application of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc. for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/6/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 5, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/6/2015 14-035-150
(11) RMP NOTICE OF CLOSING In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Report of Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets with Idaho Power Company
10/6/2015 14-057-31
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: OCTOBER 1, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Make Tariff Modifications to Charge Transportation Customers for Use of Supplier-Non-Gas Services
10/6/2015 15-057-11, 15-057-12, 15-057-13, AND 15-057-14
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah; In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account; In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Base Distribution Non-Gas Rate and the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment; AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for a Tariff Change and Adjustment to the Low Income/Energy Assistance Rate
10/6/2015 15-057-11, 15-057-12, 15-057-13, AND 15-057-14
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT, PUBLIC WITNESS HEARING RE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah; In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account; In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Base Distribution Non-Gas Rate and the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment; AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for a Tariff Change and Adjustment to the Low Income/Energy Assistance Rate
10/6/2015 15-035-63
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2015 Smart Grid Monitoring Report
10/7/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 6, 2016 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/7/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR GLEN CANYON SOLAR A, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/7/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR GLEN CANYON SOLAR B, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/7/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR GLEN CANYON SOLAR C, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/7/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR GLEN CANYON SOLAR D, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/7/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 FOR GLEN CANYON SOLAR E, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/7/2015 15-2405-01
(6) ACN COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC. NAME CHANGE NOTIFICATION AND REPLACEMENT TARIFFS In the Matter of ACN Communication Services, Inc. Name Change Notification and Replacement Tariffs
10/7/2015 15-098-01
(1) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF FRANCIS AMENDOLA In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of General Rate Increase
10/7/2015 14-098-01
(1) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF FRANCIS AMENDOLA In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
10/7/2015 14-098-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: FRANCIS AMENDOLA In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
10/7/2015 15-098-01
(1) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF SCOTT MURRI In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of General Rate Increase
10/7/2015 14-098-01
(1) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF SCOTT MURRI In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
10/7/2015 15-098-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: FRANCIS AMENDOLA In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
10/7/2015 15-035-61
(11) RMP POST-HEARING EXHIBIT In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Subscriber Solar Program (Schedule 73) [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
10/8/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 7, 2016 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/8/2015 14-035-150
(11) RMP REPLACEMENT COPY OF CLOSING LETTER In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Report of Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets with Idaho Power Company
10/8/2015 15-035-15
(11) REDACTED SEMI-ANNUAL HEDGING REPORT COMMENTS In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Semi-Annual Hedging Report
10/8/2015 15-035-15
(11) SEMI-ANNUAL HEDGING REPORT COMMENTS In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Semi-Annual Hedging Report
10/8/2015 15-999-01
(3) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF AFFILIATE TRANSACTION WITH U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/8/2015 15-035-53
(11) MOTION AND CONSENT OF SPONSORING LOCAL COUNSEL FOR PRO HAC VICE ADMISSION OF IRION A. SANGER In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/8/2015 15-035-53
(3) PROPOSED ORDER GRANTING PRO HAC VICE ADMISSION OF IRION A. SANGER In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/8/2015 15-2405-01
(4) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of ACN Communication Services, Inc. Name Change Notification and Replacement Tariffs
10/8/2015 15-035-15
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Semi-Annual Hedging Report
10/8/2015 15-035-15
(1) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Semi-Annual Hedging Report
10/8/2015 15-057-10
(1) REDACTED PRE-FILED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
10/8/2015 15-057-10
(1) PRE-FILED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
10/8/2015 15-057-10
(1) REDACTED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GAVIN MANGELSON FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
10/8/2015 15-057-10
(1) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GABIN MANGELSON FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
10/8/2015 14-035-114
(1) ADDENDUM TO UCARE TECHNICAL CONFERENCE PROPOSAL FOR THE COMMISSION’S NET METERING INVESTIGATION In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/8/2015 15-036-T01
(6) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of the Revised Tariffs for Wells Rural Electric Company
10/8/2015 15-035-61
(11) RMP JOINT MOTION TO AMEND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Subscriber Solar Program (Schedule 73)
10/8/2015 15-035-77
(3) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER APPLICATION FOR PPA WITH TESORO REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY LLC In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Power Purchase Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC
10/8/2015 14-035-114
(1) MULTI-COMPANY LETTER RE: NET METERING In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/9/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC WITNESS LIST FOR PUBLIC WITNESS HEARING In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/9/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 8, 2016 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/9/2015 15-999-01
(3) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF AFFILIATE TRANSACTION WITH GRAVER WATER SYSTEMS, INC. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/9/2015 15-999-01
(3) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF AFFILIATE TRANSACTION WITH KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/9/2015 14-098-01 AND 15-098-01
(2) TERRY LANGE PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase AND In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of General Rate Increase
10/9/2015 14-098-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: TERRY LANGE In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
10/9/2015 15-098-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: TERRY LANGE In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of General Rate Increase
10/9/2015 15-042-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Emery Telephone for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/9/2015 15-042-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT, PUBLIC WITNESS HEARING RE: SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Emery Telephone for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/9/2015 15-999-02
(0) COURTESY COPY, CIG’S ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 2014 SURCHARGE In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2015
10/9/2015 15-053-01
(3) STRATA NETWORKS’ MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON DEPRECIATION METHOD In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/9/2015 15-053-01
(3) STRATA NETWORKS’ MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON DEPRECIATION METHOD In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/9/2015 15-053-01
(3) URTA JOINDER IN STRATA NETWORKS’ MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON DEPRECIATION METHOD In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/9/2015 15-053-01
(8) OCS MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE RESPONSE TO STRATA NETWORK’S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/9/2015 15-057-15
(1) FORMAL COMPLAINT OF DELL & LUCEAL ELLERTSON AGAINST QGC In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Dell and Luceal Ellertson against Questar Gas Company [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
10/9/2015 14-098-01 AND 15-098-01
(1) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE FROM FRANCIS AMENDOLA In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase AND In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of General Rate Increase
10/13/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 9, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/13/2015 15-035-78
(3) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER APPLICATION FOR PPA WITH SIGURD SOLAR LLC In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Sigurd Solar LLC [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
10/13/2015 15-999-01
(11) RMP NOTICE OF IRS APPLICATION FOR AUTOMATIC ACCOUNTING CHANGE In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/13/2015 15-2302-01
(3) CARBON/EMERY TELCOM, INC’S REPLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT In the Matter of the Application of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc. for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/13/2015 15-035-53
(11) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF NATHAN RICH In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/13/2015 15-2431-P02
(3) WITHDRAWAL OF PRICE LIST Re: TNCI Operating Company LLC – With this submission TNCI OpCo adopts a Wireless Termination Service applicable to Major Trading Area (MTA) traffic within the same MTA originated by a Commercial Mobile Radio Service provider and terminated to the Company’s end-user subscribers (wireless to wireline traffic termination).
10/13/2015 15-041-T03
(6) TARIFF In the Matter of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah d/b/a Frontier Communications of Utah’s Tariff Revisions
10/13/2015 15-050-T02
(6) TARIFF In the Matter of Navajo Communications Company, Inc. d/b/a Frontier Navajo Communications Company’s Tariff Revisions
10/13/2015 15-035-72
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Service Quality Review Report
10/13/2015 15-035-53
(11) CORRECTED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF NATHAN RICH In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/13/2015 15-057-16
(8) QGC APPLICATION – 2016 YEAR BUDGET In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Application for Approval of the 2016 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
10/14/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 13, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/14/2015 15-035-61
(1) EMAIL FROM ABDINASIR ABDULLE RE: RMP POST-HEARING EXHIBIT In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Subscriber Solar Program (Schedule 73)
10/14/2015 15-049-13
(1) CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATIONS, LLC POWER REDUCTION AMENDMENT In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and CenturyLink Communications, LLC
10/14/2015 15-035-03
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: OCTOBER 1, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Decrease the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism
10/14/2015 15-999-02
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2015
10/14/2015 15-035-53
(1) REDACTED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CHARLES E. PETERSON FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/14/2015 15-035-53
(11) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CHARLES E. PETERSON FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/14/2015 15-035-53
(11) PREFILED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS OF BRYAN L. HARRIS FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN COALITION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/14/2015 15-035-53
(11) PREFILED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS OF HANS ISERN FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN COALITION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/14/2015 15-035-53
(11) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF PAUL H. CLEMENTS FOR RMP In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/14/2015 15-035-53
(11) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF BELA VASTAG FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/15/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 14, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/15/2015 15-999-05
(4) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Lifeline Outreach Reports [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
10/15/2015 15-057-06
(1) QGC JUNE 2015 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS In the Matter of Questar Gas Company Financial Documents Filed in 2015
10/16/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 15, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/19/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 16, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/19/2015 15-041-01
(3) FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS ANSWER AND MOTION TO DISMISS In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Susan Hilliard against Frontier Communications
10/19/2015 15-050-T02
(6) AMENDED TARIFF In the Matter of Navajo Communications Company, Inc. d/b/a Frontier Navajo Communications Company’s Tariff Revisions
10/19/2015 15-041-T03
(6) AMENDED TARIFF In the Matter of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah d/b/a Frontier Communications of Utah’s Tariff Revisions
10/19/2015 15-041-T03
(6) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah d/b/a Frontier Communications of Utah’s Tariff Revisions
10/19/2015 15-050-T02
(6) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of Navajo Communications Company, Inc. d/b/a Frontier Navajo Communications Company’s Tariff Revisions
10/20/2015 15-999-01
(1) COURTESY COPY, FORM 556 – GLEN CANYON SOLAR F, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/20/2015 15-035-03
(5) RMP COMPLIANCE FILING In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Decrease the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism
10/20/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 19, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/20/2015 15-035-70
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
10/20/2015 15-035-70
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC

(6) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Utah d/b/a Frontier Communications of Utah’s Tariff Revisions
10/20/2015 15-050-T02
(6) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of Navajo Communications Company, Inc. d/b/a Frontier Navajo Communications Company’s Tariff Revisions
10/20/2015 15-035-70
(1) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
10/20/2015 15-035-70
(10) COMMENTS OF THREE PEAKS POWER In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
10/21/2015 14-035-114
(1) PUBLIC EMAIL COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 20, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/21/2015 15-999-01
(1) RMP NOTICE OF NON-COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT WITH CYME INTERNATIONAL T&D In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/21/2015 14-035-114
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: OCTOBER 6, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/21/2015 15-999-01
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/22/2015 15-057-10
(8) STIPULATED MOTION TO SUSPEND DATES IN SCHEDULING ORDER AND FOR STATUS AND SCHEDULING CONFERENCE In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
10/22/2015 15-049-13
(6) COMMENTS FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and CenturyLink Communications, LLC
10/22/2015 15-2583-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: OCTOBER 8, 2015 In the Matter of the Application of RCLEC, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-Based Local Exchange and Interexchange Services within the State of Utah
10/22/2015 14-035-114
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT FROM PUBLIC WITNESS HEARING RE: OCTOBER 8, 2015 In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/23/2015 15-999-01
(1) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF NON-COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT WITH UTILITY SYSTEM EFFICIENCIES, INC. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/23/2015 15-999-01
(1) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF NON-COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT WITH DYNALECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a WASATCH ELECTRIC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2015
10/26/2015 15-035-61
(6) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER COMPLIANCE FILING – FINAL FORM SCHEDULE 73 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Subscriber Solar Program (Schedule 73)
10/26/2015 15-035-80
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER APPLICATION – AMENDED ESA WITH MANTI, UTAH In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Amended Agreement for Electric Service with Manti City, Utah [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
10/26/2015 15-035-58
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s CY 2014 Affiliated Interest Report
10/26/2015 15-035-03
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Decrease the Deferred EBA Rate through the Energy Balancing Account Mechanism
10/26/2015 15-053-01
(3) OCS MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION OF STRATA NETWORKS MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT In the Matter of UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc.’s (dba STRATA Networks) Application for Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/26/2015 15-057-10
(8) CANYON CREEK SETTLEMENT STIPULATION In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Canyon Creek Acquisition as a Wexpro II Property
10/26/2015 15-053-01
10/27/2015 15-035-47
(11) RMP REPORTING FOR THE LOW INCOME LIFELINE PROGRAM In the Matter of Low Income Lifeline Program Reports 2015
10/27/2015 14-035-114
(0) PETITION FOR CLEAN UTAH ENERGY In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
10/27/2015 15-035-69
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Rocky Mountain Power Account Balances
10/27/2015 15-999-09
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Utility Accident Reports for Calendar Year 2015
10/27/2015 14-035-150
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Report of Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets with Idaho Power Company
10/28/2015 15-2302-01
(3) CARBON/EMERY TELCOM, INC’S PETITION FOR REVIEW AND CLARIFICATION In the Matter of the Application of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc. for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/28/2015 15-2302-01
(3) CARBON/EMERY TELCOM, INC’S MOTION TO VACATE HEARING DATE In the Matter of the Application of Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc. for an Increase in Utah Universal Service Fund Support
10/28/2015 15-035-53
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF PAUL CLEMENTS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/28/2015 15-035-53
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CHARLES E. PETERSON FOR DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/28/2015 15-035-53
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF BELA VASTAG FOR OCS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/28/2015 15-035-53
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF SARAH WRIGHT FOR UCE In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/28/2015 15-035-53
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF KEVIN C. HIGGINS FOR THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COALITION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/28/2015 15-035-53
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF BRYAN L. HARRIS FOR THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COALITION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/28/2015 15-035-53
(11) PREFILED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS OF HANS ISERN FOR THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COALITION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Modification of Contract Term of PURPA Power Purchase Agreements with Qualifying Facilities
10/30/2015 15-035-51
10/30/2015 11-057-05
(1) COURTESY COPY OF QUESTAR GAS COMPANY’S 3RD QUARTER 2015 LINE DAMAGE REPORTS In the Matter of the Request of the Division of Public Utilities for Enforcement Action under the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Against Questar Gas Company
10/30/2015 15-057-17
(8) APPLICATION In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
10/30/2015 15-057-18
(8) APPLICATION In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Demand Side Management/Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance
10/30/2015 15-035-70
(11) REPLY COMMENTS FROM ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
10/30/2015 15-035-70
(11) REPLY COMMENTS OF THREE PEAKS POWER, LLC In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
10/30/2015 15-035-70
(11) REPLY COMMENTS FROM THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Three Peaks Power, LLC
10/30/2015 13-035-184
(3) PACIFICORP JUNE 2015 VARIANCE REPORT In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Utah and for Approval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Service Regulations
10/30/2015 15-035-48
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER BUDGET COMPLIANCE FILING In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Semi-Annual Demand-Side Management (DSM) Forecast Reports