December 2014 Filing Log

The documents are listed by date, docket number(s), (number of copies filed),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description
Entries highlighted in yellow are PROPRIETARY filings

December 2014
12/1/2014 13-057-14
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2014 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
12/1/2014 14-035-141
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Sixth-Year Action Plan and Budget for the Strategic Communications and Outreach Plan for Demand Side Management
12/1/2014 14-035-141
(11) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Sixth-Year Action Plan and Budget for the Strategic Communications and Outreach Plan for Demand Side Management
12/1/2014 14-035-71
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Report of the Results from the 2013 Program Year for the Solar Photovoltaic Incentive Program Offered through Schedule 107
12/1/2014 13-049-15
(1) QWEST UTAH PAP COMPLIANCE FILING In the Matter of CenturyLink’s Petition for Review and Modification of its Performance Assurance Plan and Performance Indicator Definitions Consistent with the Colorado Settlement [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY REPORTS]
12/1/2014 14-035-T13
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 4, Pole Attachments
12/2/2014 14-051-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
12/2/2014 14-035-121 AND 14-035-122
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 20, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Smelter) AND In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Refinery)
12/2/2014 14-035-117
(1) REDACTED REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 20, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC
12/2/2014 14-035-117
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 20, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Kennecott Utah Copper LLC
12/2/2014 14-2208-P06
(9) PRICE LIST Re: XO Communications Services, LLC – These revisions increase the monthly recurring charge of Business Lines and ISDN-PRI Service.
12/2/2014 14-035-T02
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DAVID L. TAYLOR FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/2/2014 14-035-T02
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF SARAH WRIGHT ON BEHALF OF UTAH CLEAN ENERGY In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/2/2014 14-035-T02
(11) PREFILED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF KEVIN C. HIGGINS In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/2/2014 14-035-T02
(13) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CHARLES E. PETERSON FOR THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/2/2014 14-035-T02
(11) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CHERYL MURRAY FOR THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/2/2014 14-035-T02
(12) SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF TYLER POULSON ON BEHALF OF SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/2/2014 14-035-T02
(12) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/3/2014 14-035-T02
(11) INTERWEST ENERGY ALLIANCE SURREBUTTAL COMMENTS In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/3/2014 14-057-26 AND 14-057-27
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
12/3/2014 14-035-142
(11) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Demand Side Management Nov. 1st Deferred Account and Forecast Reporting
12/3/2014 14-035-142
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Demand Side Management Nov. 1st Deferred Account and Forecast Reporting
12/3/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM DAN CORTSEN In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
12/4/2014 14-999-01
(11) RMP HOURLY QF PURCHASES – 3RD QUARTER 2014 In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2014
12/4/2014 14-035-36
(11) RMP QUARTERLY FINANCING ACTIVITY REPORT In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports
12/4/2014 14-035-T02
(11) INTERWEST ENERGY ALLIANCE MOTION TO BE EXCUSED FROM DECEMBER 9, 2014 HEARING (UNCONTESTED) TARIFF NAME: In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/4/2014 14-035-67
(11) RMP 2014 QUARTER 3 EBA REPORT In the Matter of the Quarterly Reports of the EBA for 2014 [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY ATTACHMENTS]
12/4/2014 14-2458-01
(6) JOINT APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ULTIMATE CONTROL OF LSSi DATA COPORATION TO NEWNET COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES, LLC In the Matter of the Joint Application for Approval of Transfer of Ultimate Control of LSSi Data Corporation to NewNet Communication Technologies, LLC
12/4/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM NATE WOODWARD In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
12/5/2014 14-035-143
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC
12/5/2014 14-035-143
(1) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC
12/5/2014 14-035-T02
(11) SLC CORPORATION MOTION TO WITHDRAW TARIFF NAME: In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/5/2014 14-057-22
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU – REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL CONFERENCE In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah
12/5/2014 14-035-55 AND 14-035-T04
(11) DPU RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR AGENCY REVIEW, RECONSIDERATION AND REHEARING In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities AND TARIFF NAME: In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities
12/5/2014 14-2301-P07
(3) PRICE LIST Re: SBC Long Distance, LLC, d/b/a SBC Long Distance, d/b/a AT&T Long Distance – The purpose of this filing is to: (1) add business and residential calling card service withdrawal language; (2) grandfather and modify terms of the Account Code billing feature; and (3) increase Billing Default Plan for Hierarchical Billing per minute rates.
12/5/2014 14-2301-P08
(3) PRICE LIST Re: SBC Long Distance, LLC, d/b/a SBC Long Distance, d/b/a AT&T Long Distance – The purpose of this filing is to remove previously grandfathered service(s) with no remaining subscribers.
12/5/2014 14-057-13
(8) QGC MOTION TO CANCEL STATUS AND SCHEDULING CONFERENCE In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company’s Proposed Tariff Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 58-55-308.1
12/5/2014 14-035-T02
(11) OCS REPLY TO INTERWEST MOTION TARIFF NAME: In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/5/2014 14-035-143
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC
12/5/2014 14-035-143
(11) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC
12/5/2014 14-035-55 AND 14-035-T04
(11) RMP’S RESPONSE TO UTAH CLEAN ENERGY, SUNEDISON LLS, AND SUSTAINABLE POWER GROUP, LLC’S REQUEST FOR AGENCY REVIEW, RECONSIDERATION OR REHEARING In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities AND TARIFF NAME: In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities
12/5/2014 14-035-114
(11) SIERRA CLUB, TASC, UCE AND UCARE COMMENTS ON THE NET METERING LOAD RESEARCH STUDY BY RMP In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
12/5/2014 14-049-P09
(1) PRICE LIST Re: Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC – The filing proposes to grandfather Core Connect Professional (CCP) effective December 5, 2014.
12/8/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM CRAIG DUNFORD In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
12/8/2014 14-051-01
(1) REDACTED BEEHIVE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. SUPPLEMENTAL FILING In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
12/8/2014 14-051-01
(6) BEEHIVE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC, SUPPLEMENTAL FILING In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
12/8/2014 14-2389-01
(1) CYPRESS COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING COMPANY, LLC’S NOTICE OF DECERTIFICATION AND DISCONTINUATION OF SERVICE IN UTAH In the Matter of Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC’s Notice of Decertification and Discontinuation of Service in Utah
12/8/2014 14-999-02
(1) COURTESY COPY, CURRENT CIG FILING In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2014
12/8/2014 14-2445-01
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Petition of Crown Castle NG West LLC to Amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Reflect a Name Change
12/8/2014 14-057-27
(8) QGC SUBMISSION OF REPLACEMENT TARIFF SHEETS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
12/8/2014 14-2490-01
(12) NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF CONTROLLING INTEREST IN FIRST WIND HOLDINGS, LLC In the Matter of the Courtesy Notice of the Transfer of a Controlling Interest in First Wind Holdings, LLC, the Ultimate Parent Company of Milford Wind Corridor I, LLC
12/8/2014 14-035-143
(12) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE WITH US MAGNESIUM LLC In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC
12/9/2014 14-035-146
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a Promotional Program Pursuant to R746-404
12/9/2014 14-057-15
(8) QGC CONFIDENTIAL IRP FIRST QUARTER VARIANCE REPORT FOR JUNE-AUGUST 2014 In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for Plan Year: June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015
12/9/2014 14-057-15
(1) QGC REDACTED IRP FIRST QUARTER VARIANCE REPORT FOR JUNE-AUGUST 2014 In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for Plan Year: June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015
12/9/2014 14-035-20
(1) APPENDIX A RE: DAN KOEHLER AND RICHARD HAHN In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Semi-Annual Hedging Report
12/9/2014 14-035-147
(11) RMP PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE VOLUNTARY REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RESOURCE DECISION In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision and Request for Accounting Order
12/10/2014 14-049-P08
(1) PRICE LIST Re: Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC – This filing is being made to change the USOCs associated with the Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) 1Mbps Bandwidth Profile.
12/11/2014 14-999-05
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Lifeline Outreach Reports [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
12/12/2014 14-035-141
(12) RMP REPLY COMMENTS In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Sixth-Year Action Plan and Budget for the Strategic Communications and Outreach Plan for Demand Side Management
12/12/2014 14-2574-02
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE; DECEMBER 10, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of New Horizons Communications Corp. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
12/12/2014 14-057-06
(1) QGC ENERGY EFFICIENCY REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Energy Efficiency Reports
12/12/2014 14-999-07
12/15/2014 14-999-01
(0) COURTESY COPY, FERC FORM 556 – UTAH RED HILLS RENEWABLE PARK, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2014
12/15/2014 14-999-01
(0) COURTESY COPY, UPDATED FERC FORM 556 – UTAH RED HILLS RENEWABLE PARK, LLC In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2014
12/15/2014 14-035-147
(11) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSACTION AND FOR A DEFERRED ACCOUNTING ORDER In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision and Request for Accounting Order
12/16/2014 14-057-29
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Replacement Infrastructure 2015 Annual Plan and Budget
12/16/2014 12-2443-01
(6) MOTION FOR AMENDMENT OF PENDING SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND AMENDMENT In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case
12/16/2014 14-051-01
(6) BEEHIVE TELEPHONE CO. INC. SUPPLEMETAL ERRATA FILING In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
12/16/2014 12-2443-01
(5) UPDATED TARIFF In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case
12/17/2014 14-035-148
(11) RMP MAJOR EVENT REPORT In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on November 1-2, 2014
12/17/2014 14-035-149
(11) APPLICATION OF RMP FOR APPROVAL TO REVISE SCHEDULE FOR MANDATORY REPORTS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval to Revise Schedule for Mandatory Reports
12/17/2014 14-057-30
(4) FORMAL COMPLAINT OF DEBORAH L. HENDRICKS AGAINST QGC In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Deborah L. Hendricks against Questar Gas Company [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
12/17/2014 14-035-143
(11) REDACTED REPLY COMMENTS OF US MAGNESIUM, LLC In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC
12/17/2014 14-035-143
(11) REPLY COMMENTS OF US MAGNESIUM, LLC In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC
12/18/2014 14-035-148
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on November 1-2, 2014
12/18/2014 14-057-31
(8) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY APPLICATION In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Make Tariff Modifications to Charge Transportation Customers for Use of Supplier-Non-Gas Services
12/18/2014 14-057-31
(8) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KELLY B. MENDENHALL FOR QUESTAR GAS COMPANY In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Make Tariff Modifications to Charge Transportation Customers for Use of Supplier-Non-Gas Services
12/19/2014 14-035-147
(11) SIERRA CLUB PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision and Request for Accounting Order
12/19/2014 14-035-147
(1) APPENDIX A RE: TRAVIS RITCHIE In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision and Request for Accounting Order
12/19/2014 12-2443-01
(6) MOTION FOR SECOND AMENDMENT OF PENDING SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND SECOND AMENDMENT In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case
12/19/2014 14-035-150
(11) RMP – ASSET EXCHANGE REPORT In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Report of Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets with Idaho Power Company
12/19/2014 14-035-147
(1) APPENDIX A RE: DONNA RAMAS In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision and Request for Accounting Order
12/19/2014 12-2443-01
(5) UPDATED PAGE 6 OF WATERPRO INC.’S TARIFF In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case
12/19/2014 14-035-114
(11) RMP REPLY COMMENTS In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
12/19/2014 14-035-T02
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: DECEMBER 9, 2014 TARIFF NAME: In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 32, Service from Renewable Energy Facilities
12/19/2014 14-057-22
(11) QGC ATTACHMENTS FOR PASS-THROUGH TECHNICAL CONFERENCE 12-15-2014 In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY ATTACHMENTS]
12/22/2014 14-087-P19
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Corp. – This filing changes the consumer local rates.
12/22/2014 14-049-23
(1) CENTURY LINK FILING OF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH PEERLESS NETWORK OF UTAH, LLC In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Peerless Network of Utah, LLC
12/22/2014 14-2574-02
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: DECEMBER 18, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of New Horizons Communications Corp. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
12/23/2014 14-049-23
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Peerless Network of Utah, LLC
12/23/2014 14-035-150
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Report of Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets with Idaho Power Company
12/23/2014 14-2389-01
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC’s Notice of Decertification and Discontinuation of Service in Utah
12/23/2014 14-057-31
(8) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF SUMMIT ENERGY, LLC In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Make Tariff Modifications to Charge Transportation Customers for Use of Supplier-Non-Gas Services
12/23/2014 14-057-31
(8) APPENDIX A RE: LARRY R. WILLIAMS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Make Tariff Modifications to Charge Transportation Customers for Use of Supplier-Non-Gas Services
12/23/2014 14-999-03
(1) COURTESY COPY, SECTION 63.71 DISCONTINUANCE APPLICATION OF GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2014
12/24/2014 14-2208-P07
(8) PRICE LIST Re: XO Communications Services, LLC – These revisions increase the monthly recurring charge of Toll Free Number – Per Number, Calling Name Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service, Centrex Service, XO Long Distance Business Plans, Remote Call Forwarding, First Path, DID Number Blocks of 20, DID Number Blocks of 100, XOptions Package #5 (A, B, C, D), XOptions Package #6 (A, B, C, D), XOptions Package #7 (A, B, C, D), XOptions Package #15 (A, B, C, D), and XOptions Package #16 (A, B, C, D).
12/29/2014 12-2559-01
(5) NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO THE LIFELINE SERVICE OFFERING OF BLUE JAY WIRELESS, LLC In the Matter of the Petition of Blue Jay Wireless, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service on a Wireless Basis
12/29/2014 14-999-02
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM DARWIN L. SORENSEN In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2014
12/29/2014 14-022-T01
(6) BRIDGER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION CHANGE TO MONTHLY FACILITIES CHARGE TARIFF NAME: In the Matter of the Bridger Valley Electric Association Change to the Monthly Facilities Charge to be Effective January 15, 2015.
12/30/2014 14-035-143
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: DECEMBER 17, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY PORTION FILED SEPARATELY]
12/30/2014 12-2443-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: DECEMBER 17, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case
12/30/2014 14-999-07
(6) BEAR LAKE COMMUNICATIONS, INC LOCAL RATE FLOOR DATA COLLECTION In the Matter of the 2014 Universal Service Fund (USF) CAF ICC Review
12/30/2014 14-999-07
(6) CENTRAL UTAH TELEPHONE, INC. LOCAL RATE FLOOR DATA COLLECTION In the Matter of the 2014 Universal Service Fund (USF) CAF ICC Review
12/30/2014 14-999-07
(6) SKYLINE TELECOM LOCAL RATE FLOOR DATA COLLECTION In the Matter of the 2014 Universal Service Fund (USF) CAF ICC Review
12/31/2014 14-2458-01
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Joint Application for Approval of Transfer of Ultimate Control of LSSi Data Corporation to NewNet Communication Technologies, LLC
12/31/2014 14-035-151
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S UTAH CARBON REDUCTION PROGRESS REPORT In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Utah Carbon Reduction Progress Report
12/31/2014 14-035-T14
(6) TARIFF In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 193, Demand Side Management (DSM) Cost Adjustment
12/31/2014 14-057-32
(8) REQUEST FOR AGENCY ACTION In the Matter of a Request for Agency Action to Review the Carrying Charges Applied to Various Questar Gas Company Account Balances